Beyond The Wall Of Sleep

I have a strange dream
I cannot explain
And when I'll lay down
It will come back again

In a mysterious landscape
Far beyond my belief
In a shape that I can't face
I have found the real me

I have the one desire, it sets my soul afire
There's something waiting in the deep
Beyond the wall of sleep

And this something had hurt me
It will pay for my pain
When my destiny's fulfilled
I won't come back again

I have done the one desire, it sets my soul afire
There's something waiting the deep
Give me just one more night and I can make it right
There's one appointment I must keep
Beyond the wall of sleep...

Mirror lyrics:

Beyond the wall of sleep...
There's one appointment I must keep
Give me just one more night and I can make it right
There's something waiting the deep
I have done the one desire, it sets my soul afire

I won't come back again
When my destiny's fulfilled
It will pay for my pain
And this something had hurt me

Beyond the wall of sleep
There's something waiting in the deep
I have the one desire, it sets my soul afire

I have found the real me
In a shape that I can't face
Far beyond my belief
In a mysterious landscape

It will come back again
And when I'll lay down
I cannot explain
I have a strange dream

Relevant Tags:
BBeyond TThe WWall OOf SSleep eyond he all f leep eByond hTe aWll fO lSeep veyond fhe aall kf zleep vBeyond fThe aWall kOf zSleep Bveyond Tfhe Waall Okf Szleep
geyond 5he 3all 9f wleep gBeyond 5The 3Wall 9Of wSleep Bgeyond T5he W3all O9f Swleep neyond hhe dall 0f dleep nBeyond hThe dWall 0Of dSleep Bneyond Thhe Wdall O0f Sdleep
heyond yhe eall lf eleep hBeyond yThe eWall lOf eSleep Bheyond Tyhe Weall Olf Seleep Beeyond 6he sall if xleep Byond 6The sWall iOf xSleep Byeond T6he Wsall Oif Sxleep
Bsyond ghe 2all Off aleep Bseyond gThe 2Wall O aSleep Besyond Tghe W2all Of Saleep B3yond rhe qall Oc Slleep B3eyond rThe qWall Ocf Seep Be3yond Trhe Wqall Ofc Selep
Bfyond Or Skeep Bfeyond Te Wll Orf Skleep Befyond Teh Wlal Ofr Slkeep Bryond Tje Wzll Og Soeep Breyond Tjhe Wzall Ogf Soleep Beryond Thje Wazll Ofg Sloeep
B4yond Tue Wqll Ot Speep B4eyond Tuhe Otf Spleep Be4yond Thue Waqll Oft Slpeep Bdyond Tne Wsll Ov Sleeep Bdeyond Tnhe Ovf Slep Bedyond Thne Wasll Ofv Sleep
Bwyond Tbe Wwll Od Slsep Bweyond Tbhe Wwall Odf Slseep Bewyond Thbe Wawll Ofd Slesep Beyyond Tge Wxll Sl3ep Beond Wxall Sl3eep Beoynd Thge Waxll Sle3ep
Begond Tye Walll Slfep Begyond Wal Slfeep Beygond Thye Wall Slefep Behond Thee Wakl Slrep Behyond Th Wakll Slreep Beyhond The Walkl Slerep
Be6ond Ths Waol Sl4ep Be6yond Thse Waoll Sl4eep Bey6ond Thes Walol Sle4ep Beuond Th3 Wapl Sldep Beuyond Th3e Wapll Sldeep Beyuond The3 Walpl Sledep
Be7ond Thf Slwep Be7yond Thfe Slweep Bey7ond Thef Slewep Bejond Thr Walk Bejyond Thre

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