Radney Foster
Just Sit Still

The big shot stuck in fromt of me
He don't know what he's doin'
His blood pressure and cell phone bills
THey're gonna be his ruin.

You see, minutes measure time
We all know time is money
This traffic jam is God's little joke
But he don't think its funny.

To Just sit still, Kill some time
Settle down, enjoy the ride
Take a breath, Take it slow
Relax man, let it go
Just sit still.

A young man flips the bird
To what his elders have to say
Respect what time is doin' boy,
your life will take away.

Yet all of that testosterone
That begs forgiveness now
Hell no one really held it
Against you anyhow.

So Just sit still, Kill some time
Shoot the breeze, enjoy the ride
Tak a breath take it slow
relax hon, let it go
Just sit still.

Time's a precious gift,
A treasure yes its true
So I treasure every moment
I get to waste with you.

This crazy world is gonna spin
No matter what we do
Come on darlin' we need a nap,
Its hot this afternoon.

So just lay still, kill some time
Hold my hand, enjoy the ride
Take a breath, take it slow
Relax baby let it go.

Just still, Take it slow
Life's too precious, just let go
Just sit still
Just sit still...

Mirror lyrics:

Just sit still...
Just sit still
Life's too precious, just let go
Just still, Take it slow

Relax baby let it go.
Take a breath, take it slow
Hold my hand, enjoy the ride
So just lay still, kill some time

Its hot this afternoon.
Come on darlin' we need a nap,
No matter what we do
This crazy world is gonna spin

I get to waste with you.
So I treasure every moment
A treasure yes its true
Time's a precious gift,

Just sit still.
relax hon, let it go
Tak a breath take it slow
Shoot the breeze, enjoy the ride
So Just sit still, Kill some time

Against you anyhow.
Hell no one really held it
That begs forgiveness now
Yet all of that testosterone

your life will take away.
Respect what time is doin' boy,
To what his elders have to say
A young man flips the bird

Just sit still.
Relax man, let it go
Take a breath, Take it slow
Settle down, enjoy the ride
To Just sit still, Kill some time

But he don't think its funny.
This traffic jam is God's little joke
We all know time is money
You see, minutes measure time

THey're gonna be his ruin.
His blood pressure and cell phone bills
He don't know what he's doin'
The big shot stuck in fromt of me

Relevant Tags:
JJust SSit SStill ust it till uJst iSt tSill kust zit ztill kJust zSit zStill Jkust Szit Sztill iust wit wtill iJust wSit wStill
Jiust Swit Swtill must dit dtill mJust dSit dStill Jmust Sdit Sdtill nust eit etill nJust eSit eStill Jnust Seit Setill hust xit xtill
hJust xSit xStill Jhust Sxit Sxtill uust ait atill uJust aSit aStill Juust Sait Satill Siit Sttill Jst St Sill Jsut Sti Sitll
Jhst Sjt Sfill Sjit Sftill Juhst Sijt Stfill J7st S9t S5ill J7ust S9it S5till Ju7st Si9t St5ill Jkst Slt Shill Slit Shtill
Jukst Silt Sthill Jist Sot Syill Soit Sytill Juist Siot Styill J8st Skt S6ill J8ust Skit S6till Ju8st Sikt St6ill Jjst S8t Sgill
Jjust S8it Sgtill Jujst Si8t Stgill Jyst Sut Srill

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