Rainer Maria

Baby, there's the moon.
I'll sing it down if you ask me to.
And maybe I'm a fool,
but nothing ever felt this good.

It's like a bottle to the head.
I'm seeing stars, I'm seeing red.
I'd taste your mouth in any kiss.
Where do you end
and I begin?

Baby there's the moon.
I'll shoot it down if you tell me to.
And maybe I'm a fool,
but nothing ever felt this good.

It's like a bottle to the head.
I'm seeing stars, I'm seeing red.
I'd taste your mouth in any kiss.
Where do you end and I begin?

Where I begin . . .
Where I begin . . .

It's like a bottle to the head.
I'm seeing stars, I'm seeing red.
I'd taste your mouth in anyone's kiss.
Where do you end and I begin?
It's like a bottle to the head.
Peg the needle in the red!
I'd taste your mouth in any kiss.
Where do you end and I begin?

Baby, there's the moon.
I'll sing it down if you tell me to.
And maybe I'm a fool,
but nothing ever felt this good.

Mirror lyrics:

but nothing ever felt this good.
And maybe I'm a fool,
I'll sing it down if you tell me to.
Baby, there's the moon.

Where do you end and I begin?
I'd taste your mouth in any kiss.
Peg the needle in the red!
It's like a bottle to the head.
Where do you end and I begin?
I'd taste your mouth in anyone's kiss.
I'm seeing stars, I'm seeing red.
It's like a bottle to the head.

Where I begin . . .
Where I begin . . .

Where do you end and I begin?
I'd taste your mouth in any kiss.
I'm seeing stars, I'm seeing red.
It's like a bottle to the head.

but nothing ever felt this good.
And maybe I'm a fool,
I'll shoot it down if you tell me to.
Baby there's the moon.

and I begin?
Where do you end
I'd taste your mouth in any kiss.
I'm seeing stars, I'm seeing red.
It's like a bottle to the head.

but nothing ever felt this good.
And maybe I'm a fool,
I'll sing it down if you ask me to.
Baby, there's the moon.

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