Love Is A Better Word (white City Of Light)

white city of light
you´re dark in the middle
city of dreams
i want to hide in your womb
white city of light
you got me into trouble
city of lies
you took me for a fool

love is a better word
love is a better word
love is the only word
that you understand

white city of love
you`re such a pretender
city of sleep
you took all my energies
white city of light
oh i want to surrender
city of schemes
i am lost in your life

love is a better word
love is a better word
love is the only word
that you understand

got to find me a better word
got to get me an easy word

Mirror lyrics:

got to get me an easy word
got to find me a better word

that you understand
love is the only word
love is a better word
love is a better word

i am lost in your life
city of schemes
oh i want to surrender
white city of light
you took all my energies
city of sleep
you`re such a pretender
white city of love

that you understand
love is the only word
love is a better word
love is a better word

you took me for a fool
city of lies
you got me into trouble
white city of light
i want to hide in your womb
city of dreams
you´re dark in the middle
white city of light

Relevant Tags:
LLove IIs AA BBetter WWord ((white CCity OOf LLight) ove s etter ord white ity f ight) oLve sI A eBtter oWrd w(hite iCty fO iLght)
kove js z vetter aord (wwhite fity kf kight) kLove jIs zA vBetter aWord (hite fCity kOf kLight) Lkove Ijs Az Bvetter Waord (hwite Cfity Okf Lkight)
oove 9s q getter 3ord (ahite xity 9f oight) oLove 9Is qA gBetter 3Word (awhite xCity 9Of oLight) Loove I9s Aq Bgetter W3ord (wahite Cxity O9f Loight)
pove ls s netter dord (3hite vity 0f pight) pLove lIs sA nBetter dWord (3white vCity 0Of pLight) Lpove Ils As Bnetter Wdord (w3hite Cvity O0f Lpight)
os w hetter eord (dhite dity lf Liight) Lve oIs wA hBetter eWord (dwhite dCity lOf Lght) Lvoe Ios Aw Bhetter Weord (wdhite Cdity Olf Lgiht)
Lkve ks x Beetter sord (ehite Ciity if Ljght) kIs xA Btter sWord (ewhite Cty iOf Ljight) Lokve Iks Ax Bteter Wsord (wehite Ctiy Oif Lijght)
L9ve 8s Bstter 2ord (shite Cjty Off L9ght) L9ove 8Is Bsetter 2Word (swhite Cjity O L9ight) Lo9ve I8s Bestter W2ord (wshite Cijty Of Li9ght)
L0ve us B3tter qord (2hite C9ty Oc Llght) L0ove uIs B3etter qWord (2white C9ity Ocf Llight) Lo0ve Ius Be3tter Wqord (w2hite Ci9ty Ofc Lilght)
Llve Iss Bftter Woord (qhite Clty Or Loght) Llove I Bfetter Wrd (qwhite Clity Orf Lolve Is Beftter Wrod (wqhite Cilty Ofr Lioght)
Live Iz Brtter Wkrd (whhite Coty Og Lkght) Liove Izs Bretter Wkord (wite Coity Ogf Loive Isz Bertter Wokrd (wihte Cioty Ofg Likght)
Lovve Iw B4tter W9rd (wjite Ckty Ot L8ght) Loe Iws B4etter W9ord (wjhite Ckity Otf L8ight) Loev Isw Be4tter Wo9rd (whjite Cikty Oft Li8ght)
Lobe Id Bdtter W0rd (wuite C8ty Ov Lught) Lobve Ids Bdetter W0ord (wuhite C8ity Ovf Luight) Lovbe Isd Bedtter Wo0rd (whuite Ci8ty Ofv Liught)
Loce Ie Bwtter Wlrd (wnite Cuty Od Ligght) Locve Ies Bwetter Wlord (wnhite Cuity Odf Liht) Lovce Ise Bewtter Wolrd (whnite Ciuty Ofd Lihgt)
Loge Ix Bettter Wird (wbite Citty Lihht) Logve Ixs Beter Wiord (wbhite Ciy Lihght) Lovge Isx Better Woird (whbite Ciyt Lighht)
Lofe Ia Befter Worrd (wgite Cify Liyht) Lofve Ias Wod (wghite Cifty Liyght) Lovfe Isa Betfter Wodr (whgite Citfy Ligyht)
Lovee Be5ter Wodd (wyite Ci5y Libht) Lov Be5tter Wodrd (wyhite Ci5ty Libght) Love Bet5ter Wordd (whyite Cit5y Ligbht)
Lovs Behter Wo4d (whiite Cihy Livht) Lovse Behtter Wo4rd (whte Cihty Livght) Loves Bethter Wor4d (whtie Cithy Ligvht)
Lov3 Beyter Wogd (whjte Ciyy Lifht) Lov3e Beytter Wogrd Ciyty Lifght) Love3 Betyter Worgd (whijte Cityy Ligfht)
Lovf Be6ter Wotd (wh9te Ci6y Litht) Be6tter Wotrd (wh9ite Ci6ty Litght) Lovef Bet6ter Wortd (whi9te Cit6y Ligtht)
Lovr Begter Wo5d (whlte Cigy

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