Thank You Allah

The sky is clear
The air is clean
The land is green
Thank you Allah

The path we walk
The lines we talk
The thing we see
Thank you Allah
Thank you Allah

Say Thank You Allah
Thank You Allah

When I sleep
When I eat
When I breath
Thank You Allah
Thank You Allah

Say Thank You Allah
Thank You Allah

In the night or in the day
Every morning after prayer
I'll never forget to say thank you

There are times when I'm alone
Feel alright or not so strong
I'll pray to you and say
Thank You Allah
Thank You Allah

So friends every time remember
Allah The Most Merciful
Say Thank you Allah
Thank You Allah

Mirror lyrics:

Thank You Allah
Say Thank you Allah
Allah The Most Merciful
So friends every time remember

Thank You Allah
Thank You Allah
I'll pray to you and say
Feel alright or not so strong
There are times when I'm alone

I'll never forget to say thank you
Every morning after prayer
In the night or in the day

Thank You Allah
Say Thank You Allah

Thank You Allah
Thank You Allah
When I breath
When I eat
When I sleep

Thank You Allah
Say Thank You Allah

Thank you Allah
Thank you Allah
The thing we see
The lines we talk
The path we walk

Thank you Allah
The land is green
The air is clean
The sky is clear

Relevant Tags:
TThank YYou AAllah hank ou llah hTank oYu lAlah fhank gou zllah fThank gYou zAllah Tfhank Ygou Azllah 5hank hou qllah
5Thank hYou qAllah T5hank Yhou Aqllah hhank 6ou sllah hThank 6You sAllah Thhank Y6ou Asllah yhank uou wllah yThank uYou wAllah
Tyhank Yuou Awllah 6hank 7ou xllah 6Thank 7You xAllah T6hank Y7ou Axllah ghank jou Alllah gThank jYou Alah Tghank Yjou Allah
rhank tou Aklah rThank tYou Akllah Trhank Ytou Alklah Yoou Aolah Tank Yu Aollah Tahnk Yuo Alolah Tjank Yku Aplah
Tjhank Ykou Apllah Thjank Yoku Alplah Tuank Y9u Tuhank Y9ou Thuank Yo9u Alalh Tnank Y0u Alkah Tnhank Y0ou
Thnank Yo0u Allkah Tbank Ylu Aloah Tbhank Ylou Thbank Yolu Alloah Tgank Yiu Alpah Yiou Thgank Yoiu Allpah
Tyank Youu Allaah Yo Allh Thyank You Allha Thaank Yoh Allzh

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