Raggedy Ann
Candy Hearts And Paper Flowers

Times when I'm real down and low
Every lonely place I go
There's a way I always know
We're always together

Paper daisies to explain
Sunshine always follows rain
And a heart that's sweet and true will help us weather the weather
That's what keeps us together

Candy hearts and paper flowers
Sunshine days and skies of blue
Rhymes and songs we sing forever
Words to say I love you true

Times get bad and then I worry
How we'll ever see it through
But candy hearts and paper flowers
Will always keep me close to you

If the night is gloomy and I'd like to hide
Or a chill goes through me cause I'm scared inside
That's when I remember all the things you've done
Little things that warm me like a morning sun

And I feel so happy, don't you see
Cause I start to thinking just how much you mean to me
So let the night get gloomy any place we go
I've got you beside me, that's a fact you should know
It's because I love you so

If the night is gloomy and I'd like to hide
(Candy hearts and paper flowers)
Or a chill goes through me cause I'm scared inside
(Sunshine days and skies of blue)
That's when I remember all the things you've done
(Rhymes and songs we sing forever)
Little things that warm me like a morning sun
(Words to say I love you true)

And I feel so happy, don't you see
(Times get bad and then I worry)
Cause I start to thinking just how much you mean to me
(How we'll ever see it through)
So let the night get gloomy any place we go
(But candy hearts and paper flowers)
I've got you beside me, that's a fact you should know
(Will always keep me close to you)
It's because I love you so
(Candy hearts and paper flowers)
Will always keep me close to you

Mirror lyrics:

Will always keep me close to you
(Candy hearts and paper flowers)
It's because I love you so
(Will always keep me close to you)
I've got you beside me, that's a fact you should know
(But candy hearts and paper flowers)
So let the night get gloomy any place we go
(How we'll ever see it through)
Cause I start to thinking just how much you mean to me
(Times get bad and then I worry)
And I feel so happy, don't you see

(Words to say I love you true)
Little things that warm me like a morning sun
(Rhymes and songs we sing forever)
That's when I remember all the things you've done
(Sunshine days and skies of blue)
Or a chill goes through me cause I'm scared inside
(Candy hearts and paper flowers)
If the night is gloomy and I'd like to hide

It's because I love you so
I've got you beside me, that's a fact you should know
So let the night get gloomy any place we go
Cause I start to thinking just how much you mean to me
And I feel so happy, don't you see

Little things that warm me like a morning sun
That's when I remember all the things you've done
Or a chill goes through me cause I'm scared inside
If the night is gloomy and I'd like to hide

Will always keep me close to you
But candy hearts and paper flowers
How we'll ever see it through
Times get bad and then I worry

Words to say I love you true
Rhymes and songs we sing forever
Sunshine days and skies of blue
Candy hearts and paper flowers

That's what keeps us together
And a heart that's sweet and true will help us weather the weather
Sunshine always follows rain
Paper daisies to explain

We're always together
There's a way I always know
Every lonely place I go
Times when I'm real down and low

Relevant Tags:
CCandy HHearts AAnd PPaper FFlowers andy earts nd aper lowers aCndy eHarts nAd aPper lFowers fandy jearts znd 0aper clowers fCandy jHearts zAnd 0Paper cFlowers
Cfandy Hjearts Aznd P0aper Fclowers xandy uearts qnd laper rlowers xCandy uHearts qAnd lPaper rFlowers Cxandy Huearts Aqnd Plaper Frlowers vandy nearts snd oaper glowers
vCandy nHearts sAnd oPaper gFlowers Cvandy Hnearts Asnd Poaper Fglowers dandy bearts wnd Paaper tlowers dCandy bHearts wAnd Pper tFlowers Cdandy Hbearts Awnd Ppaer Ftlowers
Caandy gearts xnd Pzper vlowers Cndy gHearts xAnd Pzaper vFlowers Cnady Hgearts Axnd Pazper Fvlowers Czndy yearts Annd Pqper dlowers Czandy yHearts Ad Pqaper dFlowers
Cazndy Hyearts Adn Paqper Fdlowers Cqndy Heearts Amd Psper Fllowers Cqandy Harts Amnd Psaper Fowers Caqndy Haerts Anmd Pasper Folwers Csndy Hsarts Ahd Pwper Fkowers
Csandy Hsearts Ahnd Pwaper Fklowers Casndy Hesarts Anhd Pawper Flkowers Cwndy H3arts Ajd Pxper Foowers Cwandy H3earts Ajnd Pxaper Folowers Cawndy He3arts Anjd Paxper Floowers
Cxndy Hfarts Abd Papper Fpowers Hfearts Abnd Paer Fplowers Caxndy Hefarts Anbd Paepr Flpowers Canndy Hrarts Andd Pa0er Cady Hrearts An Pa0per Flwers
Cadny Herarts And Pap0er Flwoers Camdy H4arts Anx Paler Flkwers Camndy H4earts Anxd Palper Canmdy He4arts Andx Papler Flokwers Cahdy Hdarts Ane Paoer Fl9wers
Cahndy Hdearts Aned Paoper Fl9owers Canhdy Hedarts Ande Papoer Flo9wers Cajdy Hwarts Anf Papeer Fl0wers Cajndy Hwearts Anfd Papr Fl0owers Canjdy Hewarts Andf Papre Flo0wers
Cabdy Heaarts Anr Papsr Fllwers Cabndy Herts Anrd Papser Canbdy Herats Andr Papesr Flolwers Canddy Hezrts Anc Pap3r Fliwers Cany Hezarts Ancd Pap3er Fliowers
Canyd Heazrts Andc Pape3r Floiwers Canxy Heqrts Ans Papfr Flowwers Canxdy Heqarts Ansd Papfer Floers Candxy Heaqrts Ands Papefr Floewrs Caney Hesrts Paprr Floaers
Canedy Paprer Floawers Candey Heasrts Paperr Flowaers Canfy Hewrts Pap4r Flo3ers Canfdy Pap4er Flo3wers Candfy Heawrts Pape4r Flow3ers
Canry Hexrts Papdr Floders Canrdy Hexarts Papder Flodwers Candry Heaxrts Papedr Flowders Cancy Hearrts Papwr Floeers Cancdy Heats Papwer Floewers

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