I've Been To Bali Too

Qantas flight 20, Denpasar, meals and accom', rent-a-car
I've been to Bali, I've been to Bali too

Took a two week course at a suntan clinic
So lying round legian and I wouldn't look anaemic
And you can't impress me, 'cause I've been to Bali too

Got a ride out to Kuta in the back of a truck
Cost me twenty dollars and it wasn't worth a buck
Hustled to a losman down Poppies Lane
By a Javanese guy in a tropical rainstorm
Lock up your daughters, I've been to Bali too

Life is tragic hanging out at Kuta
If you haven't got a car, a bike or a scooter
Show me the bike shop, I've been to Bali too

Got myself a Honda, had to get away
No brakes, bald tyres, five thousand rupes a day
I've been to Bali too.

Well I don't ride a bike much home in Australia
As a motorcycle hero guess I'm a failure
Bemos to the left, trucks to the right
The Honda was a wreck but I was alright
Hello mecurochrome, I've been to Bali too

Wired home for money, short of cash
A dose of Bali belly and a tropical rash
Daddy came through - American Express
Bali t-shirts, magic mushrooms, Redgum bootlegs
I've been to Bali too

Took my bag and mozzie coils to Peliatan
It's there were my Bali trip really began
Been there, done that, I've been to Bali too

Tourists from Holland, Britain and France
Late night puppet shows, leg on dance
Want to see my slides, I've been to Bali too

Well I wandered off to Ubud, just a little up the track
One week there didn't want to come back
Listening to Gamelon playing guitar
Janteris, tacos, Hotel Monara, two month visa
I've been to Bali too.

Flying Kangaroo out of Denpasser, left

Mirror lyrics:

Flying Kangaroo out of Denpasser, left

I've been to Bali too.
Janteris, tacos, Hotel Monara, two month visa
Listening to Gamelon playing guitar
One week there didn't want to come back
Well I wandered off to Ubud, just a little up the track

Want to see my slides, I've been to Bali too
Late night puppet shows, leg on dance
Tourists from Holland, Britain and France

Been there, done that, I've been to Bali too
It's there were my Bali trip really began
Took my bag and mozzie coils to Peliatan

I've been to Bali too
Bali t-shirts, magic mushrooms, Redgum bootlegs
Daddy came through - American Express
A dose of Bali belly and a tropical rash
Wired home for money, short of cash

Hello mecurochrome, I've been to Bali too
The Honda was a wreck but I was alright
Bemos to the left, trucks to the right
As a motorcycle hero guess I'm a failure
Well I don't ride a bike much home in Australia

I've been to Bali too.
No brakes, bald tyres, five thousand rupes a day
Got myself a Honda, had to get away

Show me the bike shop, I've been to Bali too
If you haven't got a car, a bike or a scooter
Life is tragic hanging out at Kuta

Lock up your daughters, I've been to Bali too
By a Javanese guy in a tropical rainstorm
Hustled to a losman down Poppies Lane
Cost me twenty dollars and it wasn't worth a buck
Got a ride out to Kuta in the back of a truck

And you can't impress me, 'cause I've been to Bali too
So lying round legian and I wouldn't look anaemic
Took a two week course at a suntan clinic

I've been to Bali, I've been to Bali too
Qantas flight 20, Denpasar, meals and accom', rent-a-car

Relevant Tags:
II've BBeen TTo BBali TToo 've een o ali oo 'Ive eBen oT aBli oTo j've veen fo vali foo jI've vBeen fTo vBali fToo Ij've Bveen Tfo Bvali Tfoo
9've geen 5o gali 5oo 9I've gBeen 5To gBali 5Too I9've Bgeen T5o Bgali T5oo l've neen ho nali hoo lI've nBeen hTo nBali hToo Il've Bneen Tho Bnali Thoo
o've heen yo hali yoo oI've hBeen yTo hBali yToo Io've Bheen Tyo Bhali Tyoo k've Beeen 6o Baali 6oo kI've Ben 6To Bli 6Too Ik've Been T6o Blai T6oo
8've Bsen go Bzli goo 8I've Bseen gTo Bzali gToo I8've Besen Tgo Bazli Tgoo u've B3en ro Bqli roo uI've B3een rTo Bqali rToo Iu've Be3en Tro Baqli Troo
I''ve Bfen Too Bsli Tooo Ive Bfeen T Bsali To Iv'e Befen To Basli Too I'vve Bren Tk Bwli Tko I'e Breen Tko Bwali Tkoo I'ev Beren Tok Bawli Toko
I'be B4en T9 Bxli T9o I'bve B4een T9o Bxali T9oo I'vbe Be4en To9 Baxli To9o I'ce Bden T0 Balli T0o

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