Unringing Bells

just sit down
please stop looking at my face
let me unring this bell
i'm sure there's plenty more to waste
i can't tell
if it's safe to go
i can blow
and dismantle the earth i'm sure

your beauty always rises when I know
this burden of survival will soon grow cold
so let me sympathize with letting go
is this the final breakthrough or just another breakdown?

just sit down
please stop looking at my face
let me unring this bell
i'm sure there's plenty more to waste
i can't tell
if it's safe to go
i can blow
and dismantle the earth i'm sure

your beauty always rises when I know
this burden of survival will soon grow cold
so let me sympathize with letting go
is this the final breakthrough or just another breakdown?

if you're searching for an escape from me
take the path i've already worn

Mirror lyrics:

take the path i've already worn
if you're searching for an escape from me

is this the final breakthrough or just another breakdown?
so let me sympathize with letting go
this burden of survival will soon grow cold
your beauty always rises when I know

and dismantle the earth i'm sure
i can blow
if it's safe to go
i can't tell
i'm sure there's plenty more to waste
let me unring this bell
please stop looking at my face
just sit down

is this the final breakthrough or just another breakdown?
so let me sympathize with letting go
this burden of survival will soon grow cold
your beauty always rises when I know

and dismantle the earth i'm sure
i can blow
if it's safe to go
i can't tell
i'm sure there's plenty more to waste
let me unring this bell
please stop looking at my face
just sit down

Relevant Tags:
UUnringing BBells nringing ells nUringing eBlls hnringing vells hUnringing vBells Uhnringing Bvells 7nringing gells
7Unringing gBells U7nringing Bgells knringing nells kUnringing nBells Uknringing Bnells inringing hells iUnringing hBells
Uinringing Bhells 8nringing Beells 8Unringing Blls U8nringing Blels jnringing Bslls jUnringing Bsells Ujnringing Beslls
ynringing B3lls yUnringing B3ells Uynringing Be3lls Unnringing Bflls Uringing Bfells Urninging Beflls Umringing Brlls
Umnringing Brells Unmringing Berlls Uhringing B4lls B4ells Unhringing Be4lls Ujringing Bdlls Bdells
Unjringing Bedlls Ubringing Bwlls Ubnringing Bwells Unbringing Bewlls Unrringing Bellls Uninging Bels Unirnging Bells
Undinging Bekls Undringing Beklls Unrdinging Belkls Un4inging Beols Un4ringing Beolls Unr4inging Belols Unginging Bepls
Ungringing Beplls Unrginging Belpls Untinging Untringing Unrtinging Belsl Un5inging Belks Un5ringing
Unr5inging Bellks Unfinging Belos Unfringing Unrfinging Bellos Uneinging Belps Uneringing Unreinging Bellps
Unriinging Bellss Unrnging Bell Unrniging Unrjnging Bellz Unrjinging Bellzs Unrijnging Bellsz Unr9nging Bellw
Unr9inging Bellws Unri9nging Bellsw Unrlnging Belld Unrlinging Bellds Unrilnging Bellsd Unronging Belle Unroinging Belles
Unrionging Bellse Unrknging Bellx Unrkinging Bellxs Unriknging Bellsx Unr8nging Bella Unr8inging Bellas Unri8nging Bellsa
Unrunging Unruinging Unriunging Unrinnging

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