Refused The Shape Of Punk To Come

Hey baby, you never felt this good
Freedom through the stereo and you wish you could
Take a bite, do a dance and get lost on a crusade
Jump on this soul train, destination unknown
Yeah, Yeah, Oooooh!

We're all dressed up
We got nowhere to go
All dressed up with nowhere to go
I told you so
I told you so
We're all dressed up
We got nowhere to go
All dressed up
I told you so
I told you so
I told you so

Hey baby, never felt this free
A pair of new shoes and a punk rock show to see
Give acclaimation to these blue ribbon babies
And check the calendar for the expiration date

We've all been bitten
We've all been underground
We've all been beaten, battered, bruised
Told to get down

We've all been bitten
We've all been shut down
We've all been beaten, battered, bruised
Told to get down

We're all dressed up
We got nowhere to go
All dressed up with nowhere to go
I told you so
I told you so
We're all dressed up
We got nowhere to go
All dressed up
I told you so
I told you so
I told you so

Adolescent beats with a new thing to see
Smashed guitars just like you've seen on TV
With burning speakers and with flaming hair
We'll have a riot right here
We'll have a riot right here

Mirror lyrics:

We'll have a riot right here
We'll have a riot right here
With burning speakers and with flaming hair
Smashed guitars just like you've seen on TV
Adolescent beats with a new thing to see

I told you so
I told you so
I told you so
All dressed up
We got nowhere to go
We're all dressed up
I told you so
I told you so
All dressed up with nowhere to go
We got nowhere to go
We're all dressed up

Told to get down
We've all been beaten, battered, bruised
We've all been shut down
We've all been bitten

Told to get down
We've all been beaten, battered, bruised
We've all been underground
We've all been bitten

And check the calendar for the expiration date
Give acclaimation to these blue ribbon babies
A pair of new shoes and a punk rock show to see
Hey baby, never felt this free

I told you so
I told you so
I told you so
All dressed up
We got nowhere to go
We're all dressed up
I told you so
I told you so
All dressed up with nowhere to go
We got nowhere to go
We're all dressed up

Yeah, Yeah, Oooooh!
Jump on this soul train, destination unknown
Take a bite, do a dance and get lost on a crusade
Freedom through the stereo and you wish you could
Hey baby, you never felt this good

Relevant Tags:
RRefused TThe SShape OOf PPunk TTo CCome efused he hape f unk o ome eRfused hTe hSape fO uPnk oT oCme defused fhe zhape kf 0unk fo fome dRefused fThe zShape kOf 0Punk fTo fCome
Rdefused Tfhe Szhape Okf P0unk Tfo Cfome 4efused 5he whape 9f lunk 5o xome 4Refused 5The wShape 9Of lPunk 5To xCome R4efused T5he Swhape O9f Plunk T5o Cxome gefused hhe dhape 0f ounk ho vome
gRefused hThe dShape 0Of oPunk hTo vCome Rgefused Thhe Sdhape O0f Pounk Tho Cvome tefused yhe ehape lf Puunk yo dome tRefused yThe eShape lOf Pnk yTo dCome Rtefused Tyhe Sehape Olf Pnuk Tyo Cdome
5efused 6he xhape if Phnk 6o Coome 5Refused 6The xShape iOf Phunk 6To Cme R5efused T6he Sxhape Oif Puhnk T6o Cmoe fefused ghe ahape Off P7nk go Ckme fRefused gThe aShape O P7unk gTo Ckome
Rfefused Tghe Sahape Of Pu7nk Tgo Cokme eefused rhe Shhape Oc Pknk ro C9me eRefused rThe Sape Ocf Pkunk rTo C9ome Reefused Trhe Sahpe Ofc Puknk Tro Co9me Sjape Or Pink Too C0me
Rfused Te Sjhape Orf Piunk T C0ome Rfeused Teh Shjape Ofr Puink To Co0me Rsfused Tje Suape Og P8nk Tk Clme Rsefused Tjhe Suhape Ogf P8unk Tko Clome Resfused Thje Shuape Ofg Pu8nk Tok Colme
R3fused Tue Snape Ot Pjnk T9 Cime R3efused Tuhe Snhape Otf Pjunk T9o Ciome Re3fused Thue Shnape Oft Pujnk To9 Coime Rffused Tne Sbape Ov Pynk T0 Comme Tnhe Sbhape Ovf Pyunk T0o Coe
Reffused Thne Shbape Ofv Puynk To0 Coem Rrfused Tbe Sgape Od Punnk Tl Coje Rrefused Tbhe Sghape Odf Puk Tlo Cojme Rerfused Thbe Shgape Ofd Pukn Tol Comje R4fused Tge Syape Pumk Ti Coke
Syhape Pumnk Tio Re4fused Thge Shyape Punmk Toi Comke Rdfused Tye Shaape Puhk Cone Shpe Conme Redfused Thye Shpae Punhk Comne
Rwfused Thee Shzpe Pujk Comee Rwefused Th Shzape Com Rewfused The Shazpe Punjk Come Ths Shqpe Pubk Coms Reused Thse Shqape Pubnk Comse
Reufsed Thes Shaqpe Punbk Comes Recused Th3 Shspe Punkk Com3 Recfused Th3e Shsape Pun Com3e Refcused The3 Shaspe Punk Come3 Rerused Thf Shwpe Punl Comf
Thfe Shwape Punlk Comfe Refrused Thef Shawpe Punkl Comef Regused Thr Shxpe Puno Comr Regfused Thre Shxape Punok Comre Refgused Ther Shaxpe Punko Comer
Retused Th4 Shappe Punm Com4 Retfused Th4e Shae Com4e Reftused The4 Shaep Punkm Come4 Revused Thd Sha0e Punj Comd Revfused Thde Sha0pe Comde
Refvused Thed Shap0e Punkj Comed Redused Thw Shale Puni Comw Thwe Shalpe Punik Comwe Refdused Thew Shaple Punki Comew Refuused Shaoe
Refsed Shaope Refsued Shapoe

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