Creation Of The Earth (as Eternal Spirit)

God created the heaven and the earth
and the earth was about formed and void
and darkness was upon the face of the deep
and God moved upon the face of the waters
and God said "let there be Light" and there was light
and God saw the light that it was good.
So God divided the light from the darkness.

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So God divided the light from the darkness.
and God saw the light that it was good.
and God said "let there be Light" and there was light
and God moved upon the face of the waters
and darkness was upon the face of the deep
and the earth was about formed and void
God created the heaven and the earth

Relevant Tags:
CCreation OOf TThe EEarth ((as EEternal SSpirit) reation f he arth as ternal pirit) rCeation fO hTe aErth a(s tEernal pSirit)
freation kf fhe sarth (aas sternal zpirit) fCreation kOf fThe sEarth (s sEternal zSpirit) Cfreation Okf Tfhe Esarth (sa Esternal Szpirit)
xreation 9f 5he 3arth (zs 3ternal wpirit) xCreation 9Of 5The 3Earth (zas 3Eternal wSpirit) Cxreation O9f T5he E3arth (azs E3ternal Swpirit)
vreation 0f hhe farth (qs fternal dpirit) vCreation 0Of hThe fEarth (qas fEternal dSpirit) Cvreation O0f Thhe Efarth (aqs Efternal Sdpirit)
dreation lf yhe rarth (ss rternal epirit) dCreation lOf yThe rEarth (sas rEternal eSpirit) Cdreation Olf Tyhe Erarth (ass Erternal Sepirit)
Crreation if 6he 4arth (ws 4ternal xpirit) Ceation iOf 6The 4Earth (was 4Eternal xSpirit) Ceration Oif T6he E4arth (aws E4ternal Sxpirit)
Cdeation Off ghe darth (xs dternal apirit) O gThe dEarth (xas dEternal aSpirit) Crdeation Of Tghe Edarth (axs Edternal Sapirit)
C4eation Oc rhe warth wternal Sppirit) C4reation Ocf rThe wEarth (a wEternal Sirit) Cr4eation Ofc Trhe Ewarth (as Ewternal Siprit)
Cgeation Or Eaarth (az Etternal S0irit) Cgreation Orf Te Erth Eernal S0pirit) Crgeation Ofr Teh Erath (asz Eetrnal Sp0irit)
Cteation Og Tje Ezrth (aw Efernal Slirit) Ctreation Ogf Tjhe Ezarth Slpirit) Crteation Ofg Thje Eazrth (asw Etfernal Splirit)
C5eation Ot Tue Eqrth (ad E5ernal Soirit) C5reation Otf Tuhe Eqarth (ads E5ternal Sopirit) Cr5eation Oft Thue Eaqrth (asd Et5ernal Spoirit)
Cfeation Ov Tne Esrth (ae Ehernal Spiirit) Ovf Tnhe (aes Ehternal Sprit) Crfeation Ofv Thne Easrth (ase Ethernal Spriit)
Ceeation Od Tbe Ewrth (ax Eyernal Spjrit) Cereation Odf Tbhe Eyternal Spjirit) Creeation Ofd Thbe Eawrth (asx Etyernal Spijrit)
Tge Exrth (aa E6ernal Sp9rit) Cration Exarth E6ternal Sp9irit) Craetion Thge Eaxrth (asa Et6ernal Spi9rit)
Crsation Tye Earrth Egernal Splrit) Crseation Eath Egternal Cresation Thye Eatrh Etgernal Spilrit)
Cr3ation Thee Eadth Erernal Sporit) Cr3eation Th Eadrth Cre3ation The Eardth Etrernal Spiorit)
Crfation Ths Ea4th Eteernal Spkrit) Thse Ea4rth Etrnal Spkirit) Crefation Thes Ear4th Etrenal Spikrit)
Crration Th3 Eagth Etsrnal Sp8rit) Th3e Eagrth Etsernal Sp8irit) Creration The3 Eargth Etesrnal Spi8rit)
Cr4ation Thf Eatth Et3rnal Spurit) Thfe Eatrth Et3ernal Spuirit) Cre4ation Thef Eartth Ete3rnal Spiurit)
Crdation Thr Ea5th Etfrnal Spirrit) Thre Ea5rth Spiit) Credation Ther Ear5th Etefrnal Spiirt)
Crwation Th4 Eafth Etrrnal Spidit) Crweation Th4e Eafrth Spidrit) Crewation The4 Earfth Eterrnal Spirdit)
Creaation Thd Eaeth Et4rnal Spi4it) Cretion Thde Eaerth Et4ernal Spi4rit) Cretaion Thed Eareth Ete4rnal Spir4it)
Creztion Thw Etdrnal Spigit) Crezation Thwe Earh Etdernal Spigrit) Creaztion Thew Earht Etedrnal Spirgit)
Creqtion Earfh Etwrnal Spitit) Creqation Etwernal Spitrit) Creaqtion Eartfh Etewrnal Spirtit)
Crestion Ear5h Spi5it) Etenal Spi5rit)

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