I Do Not Know What They Will Do

oh are they getting along
are they singing us songs
they must have number one

oh is he cutting his hair
they don't look like they care
they are going nowhere

oh i do not know what they will they do

are you all twisted inside
we don't want no more rides
we want cola and fries

Mirror lyrics:

we want cola and fries
we don't want no more rides
are you all twisted inside

oh i do not know what they will they do

they are going nowhere
they don't look like they care
oh is he cutting his hair

they must have number one
are they singing us songs
oh are they getting along

Relevant Tags:
II DDo NNot KKnow WWhat TThey WWill DDo o ot now hat hey ill o I oD oNt nKow hWat hTey iWll oD j xo mot lnow ahat fhey aill xo jI xDo mNot lKnow aWhat fThey aWill xDo
Ij Dxo Nmot Klnow Wahat Tfhey Waill Dxo 9 eo hot onow 3hat 5hey 3ill eo 9I eDo hNot oKnow 3What 5They 3Will eDo I9 Deo Nhot Konow W3hat T5hey W3ill Deo l fo jot mnow dhat hhey dill fo
lI fDo jNot mKnow dWhat hThey dWill fDo Il Dfo Njot Kmnow Wdhat Thhey Wdill Dfo o ro bot jnow ehat yhey eill ro oI rDo bNot jKnow eWhat yThey eWill rDo Io Dro Nbot Kjnow Wehat Tyhey Weill Dro
k co Noot inow shat 6hey sill co kI cDo Nt iKnow sWhat 6They sWill cDo Ik Dco Nto Kinow Wshat T6hey Wsill Dco 8 so Nkt Knnow 2hat ghey 2ill so 8I sDo Nkot Kow 2What gThey 2Will sDo
I8 Dso Nokt Konw W2hat Tghey W2ill Dso u Doo N9t Kmow qhat rhey qill Doo uI D N9ot qWhat rThey qWill D Iu Do No9t Knmow Wqhat Trhey Wqill Do Dk N0t Khow Whhat Wiill Dk
Dko N0ot Khnow Wat Tey Wll Dko Dok No0t Knhow Waht Tehy Wlil Dok D9 Nlt Kjow Wjat Tjey Wjll D9 D9o Nlot Wjhat Tjhey Wjill D9o Do9 Nolt Knjow Whjat Thjey Wijll Do9
D0 Nit Kbow Wuat Tuey W9ll D0 D0o Niot Kbnow Wuhat Tuhey W9ill D0o Do0 Noit Knbow Whuat Thuey Wi9ll Do0 Dl Nott Knoow Wnat Tney Wlll Dl Dlo No Knw Wnhat Tnhey Wlill Dlo
Dol Not Knwo Whnat Thney Willl Dol Di Nof Knkw Wbat Tbey Woll Di Dio Noft Knkow Wbhat Tbhey Woill Dio Doi Notf Knokw Whbat Thbey Wioll Doi No5 Kn9w Wgat Tgey Wkll
No5t Kn9ow Wghat Wkill Not5 Kno9w Whgat Thgey Wikll Noh Kn0w Wyat Tyey W8ll Noht Kn0ow Wyhat W8ill Noth Kno0w Whyat Thyey Wi8ll

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