Radio Iodine
All In My Head

Was it all in my head, the ugly things, you said to me
Now it's all in my hands, do I want to be what you want me to be
Tell me what would you do if I snapped you in two
If I drove you into the ground
Tell me what would you say if I just walked away
Like this is how it was meant to go down
Was it all in my head, the things you ...
You can lay me out
You can nail me down
You can find me waiting
You can lift me up
You can knock me down
You can find me hating there
You can twist & scream
You can be obscene
Then you'll find me laughing
You can make me sweat
You can surely get just what I'm after there
Was it all in my mind, just how unkind, you seemed to be
Now it all falls away, and I'm left blind, like you need me to be
Tell me what would you do if I snapped you in two
If I drove you into the ground
Tell me what would you say if I blew you away
If I left without a sound
Was it all in my head, the things you ...

Mirror lyrics:

Was it all in my head, the things you ...
If I left without a sound
Tell me what would you say if I blew you away
If I drove you into the ground
Tell me what would you do if I snapped you in two
Now it all falls away, and I'm left blind, like you need me to be
Was it all in my mind, just how unkind, you seemed to be
You can surely get just what I'm after there
You can make me sweat
Then you'll find me laughing
You can be obscene
You can twist & scream
You can find me hating there
You can knock me down
You can lift me up
You can find me waiting
You can nail me down
You can lay me out
Was it all in my head, the things you ...
Like this is how it was meant to go down
Tell me what would you say if I just walked away
If I drove you into the ground
Tell me what would you do if I snapped you in two
Now it's all in my hands, do I want to be what you want me to be
Was it all in my head, the ugly things, you said to me

Relevant Tags:
AAll IIn MMy HHead ll n y ead lAl nI yM eHad zll jn jy jead zAll jIn jMy jHead Azll Ijn Mjy Hjead qll 9n ky uead qAll 9In kMy uHead
Aqll I9n Mky Huead sll ln ny nead sAll lIn nMy nHead Asll Iln Mny Hnead wll on Myy bead wAll oIn M bHead Awll Ion My Hbead xll kn Mg gead
xAll kIn Mgy gHead Axll Ikn Myg Hgead Alll 8n Mh yead Al 8In Mhy yHead All I8n Myh Hyead Akl un M6 Heead Akll uIn M6y Had Alkl Iun My6 Haed
Aol Inn Mu Hsad Aoll I Muy Hsead Alol In Myu Hesad Apl Im M7 H3ad Apll Imn M7y H3ead Alpl Inm My7 He3ad Ih Mj Hfad Ihn Hfead
Inh Myj Hefad Alk Ij Mt Hrad Mty Hread Allk Inj Myt Herad Alo Ib H4ad Ibn H4ead Allo Inb He4ad Alp Hdad

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