Pyramid Song

i jumped in the river and what did I see?
black-eyed angels swimming with me
a moon full of stars and astral cars
all the figures i used to see
all my lovers were there with me
all my past and futures
and we all went to heaven in a little row boat

there was nothing to fear and nothing to doubt

i jumped in the river
black-eyed angels swimming with me
a moon full of stars and astral cars
all the figures i used to see
all my lovers were there with me
all my past and futures
and we all went to heaven in a little row boat

there was nothing to fear and nothing to doubt
there was nothing to fear and nothing to doubt
there was nothing to fear and nothing to doubt
there was nothing to fear and nothing to doubt

Mirror lyrics:

there was nothing to fear and nothing to doubt
there was nothing to fear and nothing to doubt
there was nothing to fear and nothing to doubt
there was nothing to fear and nothing to doubt

and we all went to heaven in a little row boat
all my past and futures
all my lovers were there with me
all the figures i used to see
a moon full of stars and astral cars
black-eyed angels swimming with me
i jumped in the river

there was nothing to fear and nothing to doubt

and we all went to heaven in a little row boat
all my past and futures
all my lovers were there with me
all the figures i used to see
a moon full of stars and astral cars
black-eyed angels swimming with me
i jumped in the river and what did I see?

Relevant Tags:
PPyramid SSong yramid ong yPramid oSng 0yramid zong 0Pyramid zSong P0yramid Szong lyramid wong lPyramid wSong Plyramid Swong
oyramid dong oPyramid dSong Poyramid Sdong Pyyramid eong Pramid eSong Pryamid Seong Pgramid xong Pgyramid xSong Pygramid Sxong
Phramid aong Phyramid aSong Pyhramid Saong P6ramid Soong P6yramid Sng Py6ramid Snog Puramid Skng Puyramid Skong Pyuramid Sokng
P7ramid S9ng P7yramid S9ong Py7ramid So9ng Pjramid S0ng Pjyramid S0ong Pyjramid So0ng Ptramid Slng Ptyramid Slong Pytramid Solng
Pyrramid Sing Pyamid Siong Pyarmid Soing Pydamid Sonng Pydramid Sog Pyrdamid Sogn Py4amid Somg Py4ramid Somng Pyr4amid Sonmg
Pygamid Sohg Sohng Pyrgamid Sonhg Pytamid Sojg Sojng Pyrtamid Sonjg Py5amid Sobg Py5ramid Sobng Pyr5amid Sonbg
Pyfamid Songg Pyframid Son Pyrfamid Song Pyeamid Sonh Pyeramid Pyreamid Songh Pyraamid Sony Pyrmid Sonyg Pyrmaid Songy
Pyrzmid Sonb Pyrzamid Pyrazmid Songb

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