Bangers + Mash

She bit me, she bit me, she bit me, ow
I got the poison, poison, poison now

I'm standing in the hall
I'm puking at the wall
It's all in sound to the conger eel

The bangers in the mash
The negatives for cash
You're either in the club, baby, or you're not

Whatever turns you on
Whatever gets you up
Chief of police or vice-chancellor

Lord and Lady bla bla
The vicar and the judge
You're all dancing to my little red book

Because you bit me, bit me, bit me, ow
I got the poison, poison
And now I want more

If you are on the top
Then it is a long drop
The pyramid is power
We're changing by the hour

If you are on the top
Then it is a long drop
If you stare into the dark
The dark will stare back
Back into your soul

I wanna thank you, thank you, thank you all
I'm having such a good time, good time
I'm having a ball

I'm taking you down, I'm taking you down
I'm taking you down, when I go down
I'm taking you down, I'm taking you down
I'm standing in the hall, I'm puking at the wall

Because you bit me, bit me, bit me, ow
Bit me, bit me, bit me, ow
I got the poison

Mirror lyrics:

I got the poison
Bit me, bit me, bit me, ow
Because you bit me, bit me, bit me, ow

I'm standing in the hall, I'm puking at the wall
I'm taking you down, I'm taking you down
I'm taking you down, when I go down
I'm taking you down, I'm taking you down

I'm having a ball
I'm having such a good time, good time
I wanna thank you, thank you, thank you all

Back into your soul
The dark will stare back
If you stare into the dark
Then it is a long drop
If you are on the top

We're changing by the hour
The pyramid is power
Then it is a long drop
If you are on the top

And now I want more
I got the poison, poison
Because you bit me, bit me, bit me, ow

You're all dancing to my little red book
The vicar and the judge
Lord and Lady bla bla

Chief of police or vice-chancellor
Whatever gets you up
Whatever turns you on

You're either in the club, baby, or you're not
The negatives for cash
The bangers in the mash

It's all in sound to the conger eel
I'm puking at the wall
I'm standing in the hall

I got the poison, poison, poison now
She bit me, she bit me, she bit me, ow

Relevant Tags:
BBangers ++ MMash angers ash aBngers + aMsh vangers jash vBangers jMash Bvangers Mjash gangers kash gBangers kMash
Bgangers Mkash nangers nash nBangers nMash Bnangers Mnash hangers Maash hBangers Msh Bhangers Msah Baangers Mzsh
Bngers Mzash Bnagers Mazsh Bzngers Mqsh Bzangers Mqash Bazngers Maqsh Bqngers Mssh Bqangers Msash Baqngers Massh
Bsngers Mwsh Bsangers Mwash Basngers Mawsh Bwngers Mxsh Bwangers Mxash Bawngers Maxsh Bxngers Bxangers Mah
Baxngers Mahs Banngers Mazh Bagers Bagners Maszh Bamgers Mawh Bamngers Banmgers Maswh Bahgers Madh
Bahngers Madsh Banhgers Masdh Bajgers Maeh Bajngers Maesh Banjgers Maseh Babgers Maxh Babngers Banbgers Masxh
Banggers Maah Baners Banegrs Masah Banhers Mashh Mas Banghers Mash Banyers Masj Banygers Masjh
Bangyers Mashj Banbers Masu Masuh Bangbers Mashu Banvers Masn Banvgers Masnh Bangvers Mashn Banfers Masb

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