Radio Disney
Pumpin' Up The Party

Hey, get up, get loud
Start pumpin' up the party now
Hey, get up, get loud
Start pumpin' up the party now

It's the same old, same grind
But we don't feel we're wasting time
Not so bored that we can't find
A better way
My friends, my kind
No one's getting left behind
If they did it'd be a crime
That's why we say
Let the music start a revolution
No time to play it safe

Hey, get up, get loud
Start pumpin' up the party now
Hey, get up, get loud
Start pumpin' up the party now

They can't, we can
Parents might not understand
Havin' fun without a plan
But that's what we do
We're all here, let's go
Gotta make this party grow
Together we can make it blow
Right through the roof
The music's gonna start a revolution
Too late to play it safe

Hey, get up, get loud
Start pumpin' up the party now
Hey, get up, get loud
Start pumpin' up the party now

We don't have to paint by numbers
Let our voice come out from under
Hear it rise, feel the thunder
It's time to lose control

Hey, get up, get loud
Start pumpin' up the party now
Hey, get up, get loud
Start pumpin' up the party now
(Repeat and fade)

Mirror lyrics:

(Repeat and fade)
Start pumpin' up the party now
Hey, get up, get loud
Start pumpin' up the party now
Hey, get up, get loud

It's time to lose control
Hear it rise, feel the thunder
Let our voice come out from under
We don't have to paint by numbers

Start pumpin' up the party now
Hey, get up, get loud
Start pumpin' up the party now
Hey, get up, get loud

Too late to play it safe
The music's gonna start a revolution
Right through the roof
Together we can make it blow
Gotta make this party grow
We're all here, let's go
But that's what we do
Havin' fun without a plan
Parents might not understand
They can't, we can

Start pumpin' up the party now
Hey, get up, get loud
Start pumpin' up the party now
Hey, get up, get loud

No time to play it safe
Let the music start a revolution
That's why we say
If they did it'd be a crime
No one's getting left behind
My friends, my kind
A better way
Not so bored that we can't find
But we don't feel we're wasting time
It's the same old, same grind

Start pumpin' up the party now
Hey, get up, get loud
Start pumpin' up the party now
Hey, get up, get loud

Relevant Tags:
PPumpin' UUp TThe PParty umpin' p he arty uPmpin' pU hTe aPrty 0umpin' hp fhe 0arty 0Pumpin' hUp fThe 0Party P0umpin' Uhp Tfhe P0arty
lumpin' 7p 5he larty lPumpin' 7Up 5The lParty Plumpin' U7p T5he Plarty oumpin' kp hhe oarty oPumpin' kUp hThe oParty Poumpin' Ukp Thhe Poarty
Puumpin' ip yhe Paarty Pmpin' iUp yThe Prty Pmupin' Uip Tyhe Praty Phmpin' 8p 6he Pzrty Phumpin' 8Up 6The Pzarty Puhmpin' U8p T6he Pazrty
P7mpin' jp ghe Pqrty P7umpin' jUp gThe Pqarty Pu7mpin' Ujp Tghe Paqrty Pkmpin' yp rhe Psrty Pkumpin' yUp rThe Psarty Pukmpin' Uyp Trhe Pasrty
Pimpin' Upp Pwrty Piumpin' U Te Pwarty Puimpin' Up Teh Pawrty P8mpin' U0 Tje Pxrty P8umpin' U0p Tjhe Pxarty Pu8mpin' Up0 Thje Paxrty
Pjmpin' Ul Tue Parrty Pjumpin' Ulp Tuhe Paty Pujmpin' Upl Thue Patry Pympin' Uo Tne Padty Pyumpin' Uop Tnhe Padrty Puympin' Upo Thne Pardty
Pummpin' Tbe Pa4ty Pupin' Tbhe Pa4rty Pupmin' Thbe Par4ty Pujpin' Tge Pagty Pagrty Pumjpin' Thge Pargty
Pukpin' Tye Patty Patrty Pumkpin' Thye Partty Punpin' Thee Pa5ty Punmpin' Th Pa5rty Pumnpin' The Par5ty
Pumppin' Ths Pafty

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