Radio 4
(give Me All Of Your) Money

Your path to success
Is one phone call away
Are you ready?
Give all of your money!

If you truly believe
Act now to reserve your seat
Are you ready?
Send all of your money!

Give me all of your money

The less that you know is
To profit from ignorance
Are you ready?
Taking all of your money!

Televise fear in the home
Don't believe everything you read
Pay attention!
You're giving all of your money!

Give me all of your money!

Mirror lyrics:

Give me all of your money!

You're giving all of your money!
Pay attention!
Don't believe everything you read
Televise fear in the home

Taking all of your money!
Are you ready?
To profit from ignorance
The less that you know is

Give me all of your money

Send all of your money!
Are you ready?
Act now to reserve your seat
If you truly believe

Give all of your money!
Are you ready?
Is one phone call away
Your path to success

Relevant Tags:
((give MMe AAll OOf YYour) MMoney give e ll f our) oney g(ive eM lAl fO oYur) oMney (ggive je zll kf gour) joney (ive jMe zAll kOf gYour) jMoney
(igve Mje Azll Okf Ygour) Mjoney (hive ke qll 9f hour) koney (hgive kMe qAll 9Of hYour) kMoney (ghive Mke Aqll O9f Yhour) Mkoney (yive ne sll 0f 6our) noney
(ygive nMe sAll 0Of 6Your) nMoney (gyive Mne Asll O0f Y6our) Mnoney (bive Mee wll lf uour) Mooney (bgive M wAll lOf uYour) Mney (gbive Me Awll Olf Yuour) Mnoey
(vive Ms xll if 7our) Mkney (vgive Mse xAll iOf 7Your) (gvive Mes Axll Oif Y7our) Mokney (five M3 Alll Off jour) M9ney (fgive M3e Al O jYour) M9oney
(gfive Me3 All Of Yjour) Mo9ney (tive Mf Akl Oc tour) M0ney (tgive Mfe Akll Ocf tYour) M0oney (gtive Mef Alkl Ofc Ytour) Mo0ney (giive Mr Aol Or Yoour) Mlney
(gve Mre Aoll Orf Yur) Mloney (gvie Mer Alol Ofr Yuor) Molney (gjve M4 Apl Og Ykur) Miney (gjive M4e Apll Ogf Ykour) Mioney (gijve Me4 Alpl Ofg Yokur) Moiney
(g9ve Md Ot Y9ur) Monney (g9ive Mde Otf Y9our) Moey (gi9ve Med Oft Yo9ur) Moeny (glve Mw Alk Ov Y0ur) Momey (glive Mwe Ovf Y0our) Momney
(gilve Mew Allk Ofv Yo0ur) Monmey (gove Alo Od Ylur) Mohey (goive Odf Ylour) Mohney (giove Allo Ofd Yolur) Monhey (gkve Alp Yiur) Mojey
(gkive Yiour) Mojney (gikve Allp Yoiur) Monjey (g8ve Youur) Mobey (g8ive Yor) Mobney (gi8ve Yoru) Monbey
(guve Yohr) Moneey

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