Rachel Wedeward
Love @ 1st Sight

Chorus: could this be love @ 1st sight
I've had a feeling everynight
this is love @ 1st sight

Bridge: ever since i saw you
my heart's been beaten
From the start I knew
nothing can take apart our love
i'll be true to you
if you be true to me
my baby


1st Verse: the way look at me
feels like i'm going to choke
everyone says were not meant to be
i don't believe them
do you sweetie?


2nd verse: love at first sight
(feels like it for me)
every night
( i think about you)
do you feel the same
(tell me if it's real)
could it be

chorus fades

Mirror lyrics:

chorus fades

could it be
(tell me if it's real)
do you feel the same
( i think about you)
every night
(feels like it for me)
2nd verse: love at first sight


do you sweetie?
i don't believe them
everyone says were not meant to be
feels like i'm going to choke
1st Verse: the way look at me


my baby
if you be true to me
i'll be true to you
nothing can take apart our love
From the start I knew
my heart's been beaten
Bridge: ever since i saw you

this is love @ 1st sight
I've had a feeling everynight
Chorus: could this be love @ 1st sight

Relevant Tags:
LLove @@ 11st SSight ove st ight oLve @ s1t iSght kove 2st zight kLove 21st zSight Lkove 12st Szight oove qst wight
oLove q1st wSight Loove 1qst Swight pove 1sst dight pLove 1t dSight Lpove 1ts Sdight 1zt eight Lve 1zst eSight
Lvoe 1szt Seight Lkve 1wt xight 1wst xSight Lokve 1swt Sxight L9ve 1dt aight L9ove 1dst aSight Lo9ve 1sdt Saight
L0ve 1et Siight L0ove 1est Sght Lo0ve 1set Sgiht Llve 1xt Sjght Llove 1xst Sjight Lolve 1sxt Sijght Live 1at S9ght
Liove 1ast S9ight Loive 1sat Si9ght Lovve 1stt Slght Loe 1s Slight Loev 1st Silght Lobe 1sf Soght Lobve 1sft Soight
Lovbe 1stf Sioght Loce 1s5 Skght Locve 1s5t Skight Lovce 1st5 Sikght Loge 1sh S8ght Logve 1sht S8ight Lovge 1sth Si8ght
Lofe 1sy Sught Lofve 1syt Suight Lovfe 1sty Siught Lovee 1s6 Sigght Lov 1s6t Siht Love 1st6 Sihgt Lovs 1sg Sihht
Lovse 1sgt Sihght Loves 1stg Sighht Lov3 1sr Siyht

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