Rad Kick
Peace Of Mind

You tell me something, tell me something , something new!
So you - have you ever have you ever told the truth
Lies - they are all around me.
The truth is not for free,
peace - peace of my mind
too expensive to get it for free
Hate - hate surrounds me
So you found me understanding
When it's time for changes
All I need is lost or strange

In my desire and fantasy there's hope, love, but nothing for free
In my desire and fantasy there's compassion and charity
You can sigh and you can cry
Tell me now where we can hide
We need a peace of mind
I tell you something, tell you something new for you
there must be a reason to break away for truth

Mirror lyrics:

there must be a reason to break away for truth
I tell you something, tell you something new for you
We need a peace of mind
Tell me now where we can hide
You can sigh and you can cry
In my desire and fantasy there's compassion and charity
In my desire and fantasy there's hope, love, but nothing for free

All I need is lost or strange
When it's time for changes
So you found me understanding
Hate - hate surrounds me
too expensive to get it for free
peace - peace of my mind
The truth is not for free,
Lies - they are all around me.
So you - have you ever have you ever told the truth
You tell me something, tell me something , something new!

Relevant Tags:
PPeace OOf MMind eace f ind ePace fO iMnd 0eace kf jind 0Peace kOf jMind P0eace Okf Mjind leace 9f kind lPeace 9Of kMind Pleace O9f Mkind
oeace 0f nind oPeace 0Of nMind Poeace O0f Mnind Peeace lf Miind Pace lOf Mnd Paece Olf Mnid Psace if Mjnd Pseace iOf Pesace Oif Mijnd
P3ace Off M9nd P3eace O M9ind Pe3ace Of Mi9nd Pface Oc Mlnd Pfeace Ocf Mlind Peface Ofc Milnd Prace Or Mond Preace Orf Moind Perace Ofr Miond
P4ace Og Mknd P4eace Ogf Pe4ace Ofg Miknd Pdace Ot M8nd Pdeace Otf M8ind Pedace Oft Mi8nd Pwace Ov Mund Pweace Ovf Muind Pewace Ofv Miund
Peaace Od Minnd Pece Odf Mid Pecae Ofd Midn Pezce Mimd Pezace Mimnd Peazce Minmd Peqce Mihd Peqace Mihnd

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