Rachael Lampa
Think Of Me

Packing my bag this morning,
Was the hardest thing to do,
But packing my bag was so easy,
Compared to standing outside your door,
right now to say goodbye to you.

Think of me...
I know you've never seen me cry,
Think of me...
But it's so hard to say goodbye,
Think of me...
what can I say to show you,
I'll never give up on you
I will be waiting for you

I will be there when you call
I will see you through it all
and even in your darkest hour,
I pray that the Lord we found
Will set you on solid ground

(Verse 2)
I know that it feels like leaving,
Is a part of letting go.
But I'm praying with hope and believing,
That I'll see you once again down this road,
I hope that it won't be long.

Think of me...
I know God brought you as a friend,
Think of me...
I know he'll bring you back again,
Think of me...
What can I say to show you,
I'll never give up on you
I will be waiting for you

I will be there when you call
I will see you through it all
and even in your darkest hour,
I pray that the Lord we found
Will set you on solid ground

Think of me...
I know you've never seen me cry
Think of me...
But it's so hard to say goodbye
Think of me...
What can I say to show you
I'll never give up on you
I will be waiting for you

I will be there when you call
I will see you through it all
and even in your darkest hour,
I pray that the Lord we found
Will set you on solid ground

Mirror lyrics:

Will set you on solid ground
I pray that the Lord we found
and even in your darkest hour,
I will see you through it all
I will be there when you call

I will be waiting for you
I'll never give up on you
What can I say to show you
Think of me...
But it's so hard to say goodbye
Think of me...
I know you've never seen me cry
Think of me...

Will set you on solid ground
I pray that the Lord we found
and even in your darkest hour,
I will see you through it all
I will be there when you call

I will be waiting for you
I'll never give up on you
What can I say to show you,
Think of me...
I know he'll bring you back again,
Think of me...
I know God brought you as a friend,
Think of me...

I hope that it won't be long.
That I'll see you once again down this road,
But I'm praying with hope and believing,
Is a part of letting go.
I know that it feels like leaving,
(Verse 2)

Will set you on solid ground
I pray that the Lord we found
and even in your darkest hour,
I will see you through it all
I will be there when you call

I will be waiting for you
I'll never give up on you
what can I say to show you,
Think of me...
But it's so hard to say goodbye,
Think of me...
I know you've never seen me cry,
Think of me...

right now to say goodbye to you.
Compared to standing outside your door,
But packing my bag was so easy,
Was the hardest thing to do,
Packing my bag this morning,

Relevant Tags:
TThink OOf MMe hink f e hTink fO eM fhink kf je fThink kOf jMe Tfhink Okf Mje 5hink 9f ke 5Think 9Of kMe T5hink O9f Mke hhink 0f ne
hThink 0Of nMe Thhink O0f Mne yhink lf Mee yThink lOf M Tyhink Olf Me 6hink if Ms 6Think iOf Mse T6hink Oif Mes ghink Off M3 gThink O M3e
Tghink Of Me3 rhink Oc Mf rThink Ocf Mfe Trhink Ofc Mef Or Mr Tink Orf Mre Tihnk Ofr Mer Tjink Og M4 Tjhink Ogf M4e Thjink Ofg Me4
Tuink Ot Md Tuhink Otf Mde Thuink Oft Med Tnink Ov Mw Tnhink Ovf Mwe Thnink Ofv Mew Tbink Od Tbhink Odf Thbink Ofd Tgink
Thgink Tyink Thyink Thiink Thnk

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