Ra Von
Just Wakin' Up

Well it seems so early
Like dewdrops on my mind
I've just begun to realize
The things I could not find
Just like I was told as a child
By the greatest man who ever shined
I'm just wakin' up
Just smelling the coffee
I'm just wakin' up
To the sweetness of life
He said life isn't easy
But he told me from a different point of view
He said, "You've got to watch your back, boy
Everybody's gonna love you
And everybody hates somebody, somebody loves
Watcha gonna do?"
He said, "There's something I've got to tell you
Before I send you out on your own"
And then there was a stare so deep, my man
It chilled me to the bone
"It's somewhat like a legacy, it can't be left alone"

Mirror lyrics:

"It's somewhat like a legacy, it can't be left alone"
It chilled me to the bone
And then there was a stare so deep, my man
Before I send you out on your own"
He said, "There's something I've got to tell you
Watcha gonna do?"
And everybody hates somebody, somebody loves
Everybody's gonna love you
He said, "You've got to watch your back, boy
But he told me from a different point of view
He said life isn't easy
To the sweetness of life
I'm just wakin' up
Just smelling the coffee
I'm just wakin' up
By the greatest man who ever shined
Just like I was told as a child
The things I could not find
I've just begun to realize
Like dewdrops on my mind
Well it seems so early

Relevant Tags:
JJust WWakin' UUp ust akin' p uJst aWkin' pU kust aakin' hp kJust aWakin' hUp Jkust Waakin' Uhp iust 3akin' 7p iJust 3Wakin' 7Up
Jiust W3akin' U7p must dakin' kp mJust dWakin' kUp Jmust Wdakin' Ukp nust eakin' ip nJust eWakin' iUp Jnust Weakin' Uip hust sakin' 8p
hJust sWakin' 8Up Jhust Wsakin' U8p uust 2akin' jp uJust 2Wakin' jUp Juust W2akin' Ujp qakin' yp Jst qWakin' yUp Jsut Wqakin' Uyp
Jhst Upp Wkin' U Juhst Wkain' Up J7st Wzkin' U0 J7ust Wzakin' U0p Ju7st Wazkin' Up0 Jkst Wqkin' Ul Ulp
Jukst Waqkin' Upl Jist Wskin' Uo Uop Juist Waskin' Upo J8st Wwkin' J8ust Wwakin' Ju8st Wawkin' Jjst Wxkin'
Jjust Wxakin' Jujst Waxkin' Jyst Wakkin' Jyust Wain' Juyst Waikn' Jusst Walin' Jut Walkin'

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