Ralph Stanley
Waves On The Sea

Oh, the waves on the sea, how they roll

The chilly winds, how they do blow

My own true love got drownded in the deep

And the ship never got to the shore

Oh, the first on the deck was a porter of the ship

And a rough-looking fellow was he

Says, I care no more for my wife and my child

Than I do for the fish in the sea

Oh, the waves on the sea, how they roll

The chilly winds, how they do blow

My own true love got drownded in the deep

And the ship never got to the shore

Well, I left my dear darling a-grieving

I left my dear darling a-grieving

I left my dear darling to grieving after me

For I never expect to see her anymore

Oh, the waves on the sea, how they roll

The chilly winds, how they do blow

My own true love got drownded in the deep

And the ship never got to the shore

Oh, the waves on the sea, how they roll

The chilly winds, how they do blow

My own true love got drownded in the deep

And the ship never got to the shore

Mirror lyrics:

And the ship never got to the shore

My own true love got drownded in the deep

The chilly winds, how they do blow

Oh, the waves on the sea, how they roll

And the ship never got to the shore

My own true love got drownded in the deep

The chilly winds, how they do blow

Oh, the waves on the sea, how they roll

For I never expect to see her anymore

I left my dear darling to grieving after me

I left my dear darling a-grieving

Well, I left my dear darling a-grieving

And the ship never got to the shore

My own true love got drownded in the deep

The chilly winds, how they do blow

Oh, the waves on the sea, how they roll

Than I do for the fish in the sea

Says, I care no more for my wife and my child

And a rough-looking fellow was he

Oh, the first on the deck was a porter of the ship

And the ship never got to the shore

My own true love got drownded in the deep

The chilly winds, how they do blow

Oh, the waves on the sea, how they roll

Relevant Tags:
WWaves OOn TThe SSea aves n he ea aWves nO hTe eSa aaves kn fhe zea aWaves kOn fThe zSea Waaves Okn Tfhe Szea 3aves 9n 5he wea
3Waves 9On 5The wSea W3aves O9n T5he Swea daves 0n hhe dea dWaves 0On hThe dSea Wdaves O0n Thhe Sdea eaves ln yhe eea eWaves lOn yThe eSea
Weaves Oln Tyhe Seea saves in 6he xea sWaves iOn 6The xSea Wsaves Oin T6he Sxea 2aves Onn ghe aea 2Waves O gThe aSea W2aves On Tghe Saea
qaves Om rhe qWaves Omn rThe Sa Wqaves Onm Trhe Sae Oh Ssa Wves Ohn Te Ssea Wvaes Onh Teh Sesa Wzves Oj Tje S3a
Wzaves Ojn Tjhe S3ea Wazves Onj Thje Se3a Wqves Ob Tue Sfa Obn Tuhe Sfea Waqves Onb Thue Sefa Wsves Tne Sra Tnhe Srea
Wasves Thne Sera Wwves Tbe S4a Wwaves Tbhe S4ea Wawves Thbe Se4a Wxves Tge Sda Wxaves Waxves Thge Seda
Wavves Tye Swa Waes Waevs Thye Sewa Wabes Thee Seaa Wabves Th Se

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