Raised Fist
Time For A Changes

I'm trying hard

To build up a life uncomplete by distraction

Another question, another reply

Another temptation you can deny

Truth is hurting so much

That cannot be ignored

Disappointment a fact in life

I will try to never close my eyes

Failure a part of this life

But don't you think it's time for some changes

It's time to get a grip of yourself

A hard decision to make

A lot of wall to break down

And some obstacles to get through

Forget the past

No more lies and you will be free

Disappointment a fact in life

I will try to never close my eyes

Failure a part of this life

But it's -- Time for changes

It's time to get a grip of yourself -- Time for changes

Truth is hurting so much

Disappointment a fact in life -- Time for changes

Searching for identity

But you have crossed reality

Dismiss your fear for another way of living!

Mirror lyrics:

Dismiss your fear for another way of living!

But you have crossed reality

Searching for identity

Disappointment a fact in life -- Time for changes

Truth is hurting so much

It's time to get a grip of yourself -- Time for changes

But it's -- Time for changes

Failure a part of this life

I will try to never close my eyes

Disappointment a fact in life

No more lies and you will be free

Forget the past

And some obstacles to get through

A lot of wall to break down

A hard decision to make

It's time to get a grip of yourself

But don't you think it's time for some changes

Failure a part of this life

I will try to never close my eyes

Disappointment a fact in life

That cannot be ignored

Truth is hurting so much

Another temptation you can deny

Another question, another reply

To build up a life uncomplete by distraction

I'm trying hard

Relevant Tags:
TTime FFor AA CChanges ime or hanges iTme oFr A hCanges fime cor z fhanges fTime cFor zA fChanges Tfime Fcor Az Cfhanges
5ime ror q xhanges 5Time rFor qA xChanges T5ime Fror Aq Cxhanges hime gor s vhanges hTime gFor sA vChanges Thime Fgor As Cvhanges
yime tor w dhanges yTime tFor wA dChanges Tyime Ftor Aw Cdhanges 6ime vor x Chhanges 6Time vFor xA Canges T6ime Fvor Ax Cahnges
gime dor Cjanges gTime dFor Cjhanges Tgime Fdor Chjanges rime Foor Cuanges rTime Fr Cuhanges Trime Fro Chuanges
Tiime Fkr Cnanges Tme Fkor Cnhanges Tmie Fokr Chnanges Tjme F9r Cbanges Tjime F9or Cbhanges Tijme Fo9r Chbanges
T9me F0r Cganges T9ime F0or Cghanges Ti9me Fo0r Chganges Tlme Flr Cyanges Tlime Flor Cyhanges Tilme Folr Chyanges
Tome Fir Chaanges Toime Fior Chnges Tiome Foir Chnages Tkme Forr Chznges Tkime Fo Chzanges Tikme For Chaznges
T8me Fod Chqnges T8ime Fodr Chqanges Ti8me Ford Chaqnges Tume Fo4 Chsnges Tuime Fo4r Chsanges Tiume For4 Chasnges
Timme Fog Chwnges Tie Fogr Chwanges Tiem Forg Chawnges Tije Fot Chxnges Fotr Chxanges Timje Fort Chaxnges
Tike Fo5 Channges Fo5r Chages Timke For5 Chagnes Tine Fof Chamges Tinme Fofr Chamnges Timne Forf Chanmges
Timee Foe Chahges Tim Foer Chahnges Time Fore Chanhges Tims Chajges

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