Draggin' The Line

Makin' a livin' the old hard way
Takin' and givin' by day by day
I dig snow and rain and the bright sunshine

Draggin' the line

My dog Sam eats purple flowers
Ain't got much but what we got's ours
We dig snow and rain and the bright sunshine

Draggin' the line
(Draggin' the line)
Draggin' the line
(Draggin' the line)

I feel fine, I'm talkin' 'bout peace of mind
I'm gonna take my time, I'm gettin' the good sign

Draggin' the line
(Draggin' the line)
Draggin' the line
(Draggin' the line)

Lovin' the free and feelin' spirit
Of hugging a tree when you get near it
Diggin' snow and rain and the bright sunshine

Draggin' the line
(Draggin' the line)
Draggin' the line
(Draggin' the line)

Mirror lyrics:

(Draggin' the line)
Draggin' the line
(Draggin' the line)
Draggin' the line

Diggin' snow and rain and the bright sunshine
Of hugging a tree when you get near it
Lovin' the free and feelin' spirit

(Draggin' the line)
Draggin' the line
(Draggin' the line)
Draggin' the line

I'm gonna take my time, I'm gettin' the good sign
I feel fine, I'm talkin' 'bout peace of mind

(Draggin' the line)
Draggin' the line
(Draggin' the line)
Draggin' the line

We dig snow and rain and the bright sunshine
Ain't got much but what we got's ours
My dog Sam eats purple flowers

Draggin' the line

I dig snow and rain and the bright sunshine
Takin' and givin' by day by day
Makin' a livin' the old hard way

Relevant Tags:
DDraggin' TThe LLine raggin' he ine rDaggin' hTe iLne xraggin' fhe kine xDraggin' fThe kLine Dxraggin' Tfhe Lkine
eraggin' 5he oine eDraggin' 5The oLine Deraggin' T5he Loine fraggin' hhe pine fDraggin' hThe pLine Dfraggin' Thhe Lpine
rraggin' yhe Liine rDraggin' yThe Lne Drraggin' Tyhe Lnie craggin' 6he Ljne cDraggin' 6The Ljine Dcraggin' T6he Lijne
sraggin' ghe L9ne sDraggin' gThe L9ine Dsraggin' Tghe Li9ne rhe Llne Daggin' rThe Lline Darggin' Trhe Lilne
Ddaggin' Lone Ddraggin' Te Drdaggin' Teh Lione D4aggin' Tje Lkne D4raggin' Tjhe Dr4aggin' Thje Likne
Dgaggin' Tue L8ne Dgraggin' Tuhe L8ine Drgaggin' Thue Li8ne Dtaggin' Tne Lune Dtraggin' Tnhe Luine Drtaggin' Thne Liune
D5aggin' Tbe Linne D5raggin' Tbhe Lie Dr5aggin' Thbe Lien Dfaggin' Tge Lime Limne Drfaggin' Thge Linme
Deaggin' Tye Lihe Lihne Dreaggin' Thye Linhe Draaggin' Thee Lije Drggin' Th Drgagin' The Linje
Drzggin' Ths Libe Drzaggin' Thse Libne Drazggin' Thes Linbe Drqggin' Th3 Linee Drqaggin' Th3e Lin Draqggin' The3 Line
Drsggin' Thf Lins Drsaggin' Thfe Linse Drasggin' Thef Lines Drwggin' Thr Lin3 Drwaggin' Thre Lin3e Drawggin' Ther Line3
Drxggin' Th4 Linf Drxaggin' Th4e Linfe Draxggin' The4 Linef Dragggin' Thd Linr Dragin' Thde Linre Draggin' Thed Liner
Drahgin' Thw Lin4

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