Body Count

All the young kids learn to dance in the combat zone
Never dared to take a chance
Goin' home alone

But it gets so very cold
When it's late at night

Leave the foxholes on their own
Do you sleep well at night?

Bodycount...feeling hot
Bodycount...keeping warm

Friends are playing with danger
They don't know where it's found
With their casual letters
It's just another chain

You've lost the innocence
That you've never found
Standing in the DMZ
Don't get turned around

Body count...feeling hot
Body count...Vietnam

It's not the game..well, it's a scar
And they won't let you wear your khakis
And your Izods anymore

You can go get shot to hell
They don't want you anymore because..

All the young kids learn to dance
In the combat zone
Never dare to take a chance
You're going home alone
Military metaphors
Are metaphors no more

Keeping up with protocol
You're dancin' off to war

Body count feeling hot
Body count Vietnam

Do you sleep well at night?

Body Count...Vietnam

They can say what they want
But you have your doubts

It's not what you've lost
It's what your without

When I ran so far
And they just turned away

I doesn't bother me by the light of day
But at night...I hear your call
Late at night...I hear your call

I saw the mirror that you broke today
I saw the ceiling falling down your way

When they looked at you, you could turn away

You didn't bother then by the light of day...you'll stay

But at night...I hear your call
Late at night...I hear your call

You said that you could turn away
I knew that you going to stay

The walls are falling all around
They pinned you down onto the ground
But at night...I hear your call
Vietnam...I hear you call

Mirror lyrics:

Vietnam...I hear you call
But at night...I hear your call
They pinned you down onto the ground
The walls are falling all around

I knew that you going to stay
You said that you could turn away

Late at night...I hear your call
But at night...I hear your call

You didn't bother then by the light of day...you'll stay

When they looked at you, you could turn away

I saw the ceiling falling down your way
I saw the mirror that you broke today

Late at night...I hear your call
But at night...I hear your call
I doesn't bother me by the light of day

And they just turned away
When I ran so far

It's what your without
It's not what you've lost

But you have your doubts
They can say what they want

Body Count...Vietnam

Do you sleep well at night?

Body count Vietnam
Body count feeling hot

You're dancin' off to war
Keeping up with protocol

Are metaphors no more
Military metaphors
You're going home alone
Never dare to take a chance
In the combat zone
All the young kids learn to dance

They don't want you anymore because..
You can go get shot to hell

And your Izods anymore
And they won't let you wear your khakis
It's not the game..well, it's a scar

Body count...Vietnam
Body count...feeling hot

Don't get turned around
Standing in the DMZ
That you've never found
You've lost the innocence

It's just another chain
With their casual letters
They don't know where it's found
Friends are playing with danger

Bodycount...keeping warm
Bodycount...feeling hot

Do you sleep well at night?
Leave the foxholes on their own

When it's late at night
But it gets so very cold

Goin' home alone
Never dared to take a chance
All the young kids learn to dance in the combat zone

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BBody CCount ody ount oBdy oCunt vody fount vBody fCount Bvody Cfount gody xount gBody xCount Bgody Cxount nody vount nBody vCount
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B9ody C9ount Bo9dy Co9unt B0dy C0unt B0ody C0ount Bo0dy Co0unt Bldy Clunt Blody Clount Boldy Colunt Bidy Ciunt Biody Ciount Boidy Coiunt
Boddy Couunt Boy Cont Boyd Conut Boxy Cohnt Boxdy Cohunt Bodxy Couhnt Boey Co7nt Boedy Co7unt Bodey Cou7nt Bofy Coknt Bofdy
Bodfy Couknt Bory Coint

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