Quo Vadis

Look deep down and you will see
Find your own reality
If all seems lost and you can't find
Let no one know.

Hide the truth that haunts you days
And hope, someday, you will be free
For now you are your own prey
The predator behind your eyes

Mirror lyrics:

The predator behind your eyes
For now you are your own prey
And hope, someday, you will be free
Hide the truth that haunts you days

Let no one know.
If all seems lost and you can't find
Find your own reality
Look deep down and you will see

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MMystery ystery yMstery jystery jMystery Mjystery kystery kMystery Mkystery nystery nMystery
Mnystery Myystery Mstery Msytery Mgstery Mgystery Mygstery Mhstery Mhystery Myhstery M6stery
M6ystery My6stery Mustery Muystery Myustery M7stery M7ystery My7stery Mjstery Myjstery Mtstery
Mtystery Mytstery Mysstery Mytery Mytsery Myztery Myzstery Mysztery Mywtery Mywstery Myswtery
Mydtery Mydstery Mysdtery Myetery Myestery Mysetery Myxtery Myxstery Mysxtery Myatery Myastery
Mysatery Mysttery Mysery Mysetry Mysfery Mysftery Mystfery Mys5ery Mys5tery Myst5ery Myshery
Myshtery Mysthery Mysyery Mysytery Mystyery

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