R. Kelly
Red Carpet (pause, Flash)

Uh (oooh yeah) yeah (yeah yeah) check one two, it's the piper
(oooh yeah yeah yeah) aka kellz
I'm in the building right now and uh (woo)
I'm looking for nothing but steppers
(Tell me where the steppers are)
So get on the dance floor and come on
(Where are all the steppers at?)
(Oooh) uh, I feel good (oooh)
I mean, I don't mean to brag, but uh

Custom green suit, apple gators
Hundred thousand on my wrist
Pinky shining, could be diamond
White TL linen outfits
Jump out styling
Ladies smiling
Paparazzis everywhere
Hummer, stetches
Limo, Lexus
Pull up while people stop and stare

(The whole scene looks like we're all on TV)
Sometimes life can be like a dream
When you're living on the big screen

Fancy cars, movie stars
Red carpets and big applause
Limousines and search lights
This is how we gonna do it tonight, so...
Pause, flash, pause, flash, pause, flash, pause, flash
You and your partner are so so clean
So take a picture for the memory
Pause, flash, pause, flash, pause, flash, pause, flash
Ooh I wanna go stepping now
Step down tension about to climb

(All I need is my partner)
(We go together like a hand in glove)
Oh DJ put the record on
Picture it's my favorite song
(Step in the name of love)
One more (step in the name of love) yeah

(The whole scene looks like we all on TV)
Sometimes life can be like a dream
When you're living on the big screen

Fancy cars, movie stars
Red carpets and big applause
Limousines and search lights
This is how we gonna do it tonight, so...
Pause, flash, pause, flash, pause, flash, pause, flash
You and your partner are so so clean
So take a picture for the memory
Pause, flash, pause, flash, pause, flash, pause, flash

You know us (you know us) woah
(You know how we like to dress up) and go out
(And go out and hit the club)
I'm not leaving here until I take me a picture
(Camera man, just wait til I'm ready) oh yeah
(And you can take a pic)
On three ya'll, one, two, three, say cheese

Fancy cars, movie stars
Red carpets and big applause
Limousines and search lights
This is how we gonna do it tonight, so...
Pause, flash, pause, flash, pause, flash, pause, flash
You and your partner are so so clean
So take a picture for the memory
Pause, flash, pause, flash, pause, flash, pause, flash
Fancy cars, movie stars
Red carpets and big applause
Limousines and search lights
This is how we gonna do it tonight, so...
Pause, flash, pause, flash, pause, flash, pause, flash
You and your partner are so so clean
So take a picture for the memory
Pause, flash, pause, flash, pause, flash, pause, flash

Mirror lyrics:

Pause, flash, pause, flash, pause, flash, pause, flash
So take a picture for the memory
You and your partner are so so clean
Pause, flash, pause, flash, pause, flash, pause, flash
This is how we gonna do it tonight, so...
Limousines and search lights
Red carpets and big applause
Fancy cars, movie stars
Pause, flash, pause, flash, pause, flash, pause, flash
So take a picture for the memory
You and your partner are so so clean
Pause, flash, pause, flash, pause, flash, pause, flash
This is how we gonna do it tonight, so...
Limousines and search lights
Red carpets and big applause
Fancy cars, movie stars

On three ya'll, one, two, three, say cheese
(And you can take a pic)
(Camera man, just wait til I'm ready) oh yeah
I'm not leaving here until I take me a picture
(And go out and hit the club)
(You know how we like to dress up) and go out
You know us (you know us) woah

Pause, flash, pause, flash, pause, flash, pause, flash
So take a picture for the memory
You and your partner are so so clean
Pause, flash, pause, flash, pause, flash, pause, flash
This is how we gonna do it tonight, so...
Limousines and search lights
Red carpets and big applause
Fancy cars, movie stars

When you're living on the big screen
Sometimes life can be like a dream
(The whole scene looks like we all on TV)

One more (step in the name of love) yeah
(Step in the name of love)
Picture it's my favorite song
Oh DJ put the record on
(We go together like a hand in glove)
(All I need is my partner)

Step down tension about to climb
Ooh I wanna go stepping now
Pause, flash, pause, flash, pause, flash, pause, flash
So take a picture for the memory
You and your partner are so so clean
Pause, flash, pause, flash, pause, flash, pause, flash
This is how we gonna do it tonight, so...
Limousines and search lights
Red carpets and big applause
Fancy cars, movie stars

When you're living on the big screen
Sometimes life can be like a dream
(The whole scene looks like we're all on TV)

Pull up while people stop and stare
Limo, Lexus
Hummer, stetches
Paparazzis everywhere
Ladies smiling
Jump out styling
White TL linen outfits
Pinky shining, could be diamond
Hundred thousand on my wrist
Custom green suit, apple gators

I mean, I don't mean to brag, but uh
(Oooh) uh, I feel good (oooh)
(Where are all the steppers at?)
So get on the dance floor and come on
(Tell me where the steppers are)
I'm looking for nothing but steppers
I'm in the building right now and uh (woo)
(oooh yeah yeah yeah) aka kellz
Uh (oooh yeah) yeah (yeah yeah) check one two, it's the piper

Relevant Tags:
RRed CCarpet ((pause, FFlash) ed arpet pause, lash) eRd aCrpet p(ause, lFash) ded farpet (ppause, clash) dRed fCarpet (ause, cFlash)
Rded Cfarpet (apuse, Fclash) 4ed xarpet (0ause, rlash) 4Red xCarpet (0pause, rFlash) R4ed Cxarpet (p0ause, Frlash) ged varpet (lause, glash)
gRed vCarpet (lpause, gFlash) Rged Cvarpet (plause, Fglash) ted darpet (oause, tlash) tRed dCarpet (opause, tFlash) Rted Cdarpet (poause, Ftlash)
5ed Caarpet (paause, vlash) 5Red Crpet (puse, vFlash) R5ed Crapet (puase, Fvlash) fed Czrpet (pzuse, dlash) fRed Czarpet (pzause, dFlash)
Rfed Cazrpet (pazuse, Fdlash) eed Cqrpet (pquse, Fllash) eRed Cqarpet (pqause, Fash) Reed Caqrpet (paquse, Falsh) Csrpet (psuse, Fkash)
Rd Csarpet (psause, Fklash) Rde Casrpet (pasuse, Flkash) Rsd Cwrpet (pwuse, Foash) Rsed Cwarpet (pwause, Folash) Resd Cawrpet (pawuse, Floash)
R3d Cxrpet (pxuse, Fpash) R3ed (pxause, Fplash) Re3d Caxrpet (paxuse, Flpash) Rfd Carrpet (pauuse, Flaash) Capet (pase, Flsh)
Refd Capret (pasue, Flsah) Rrd Cadpet (pahse, Flzsh) Rred Cadrpet (pahuse, Flzash) Rerd Cardpet (pauhse, Flazsh) R4d Ca4pet (pa7se, Flqsh)
Ca4rpet (pa7use, Flqash) Re4d Car4pet (pau7se, Flaqsh) Rdd Cagpet (pakse, Flssh) Cagrpet (pakuse, Flsash) Redd Cargpet (paukse, Flassh)
Rwd Catpet (paise, Flwsh) Rwed Catrpet (paiuse, Flwash) Rewd Cartpet (pauise, Flawsh) Ca5pet (pa8se, Flxsh) Re Ca5rpet (pa8use, Flxash)
Red Car5pet (pau8se, Flaxsh) Rex Cafpet (pajse, Rexd Cafrpet (pajuse, Flah) Redx Carfpet (paujse, Flahs) Ree Caepet (payse, Flazh)
Caerpet (payuse, Rede Carepet (pauyse, Flaszh)

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