Quiet Riot
It's Not So Funny

Walking 'round the town with nothing to do
Rock-n-roll ringin' in my ears
Why ajust my mind, just singin' the blues
Got to find a way out of here

It's not so funny
Just a kid, nobody listens to me
Ain't got no money to do what I want
Somethin's got to set me free

You say when you grow up you'll have what you want
And everything that you need
What is the use of having it all
If you listen and never be seen

It's not so funny
Just a kid, nobody listens to me
Ain't got the money to do what I want
Somethin's got to set me free

If I could suddenly be older
I'd show them all and bring them down to my size

My parents tell me you're not the only one
There's a lot of kids around like you
If all of us kids got together for fun
We'd show you a thing or two

No no no

It's not so funny
Just a kid, nobody listens to me
Ain't got no money to do what I want
Somethin's got to set me free

It's not so funny
Just a kid, nobody listens to me
Ain't got no money to do what I want
Somethin's got to set me free

It's not so funny
I ain't got no money
It's not so funny
I ain't got no money
It's not so funny

Mirror lyrics:

It's not so funny
I ain't got no money
It's not so funny
I ain't got no money
It's not so funny

Somethin's got to set me free
Ain't got no money to do what I want
Just a kid, nobody listens to me
It's not so funny

Somethin's got to set me free
Ain't got no money to do what I want
Just a kid, nobody listens to me
It's not so funny

No no no

We'd show you a thing or two
If all of us kids got together for fun
There's a lot of kids around like you
My parents tell me you're not the only one

I'd show them all and bring them down to my size
If I could suddenly be older

Somethin's got to set me free
Ain't got the money to do what I want
Just a kid, nobody listens to me
It's not so funny

If you listen and never be seen
What is the use of having it all
And everything that you need
You say when you grow up you'll have what you want

Somethin's got to set me free
Ain't got no money to do what I want
Just a kid, nobody listens to me
It's not so funny

Got to find a way out of here
Why ajust my mind, just singin' the blues
Rock-n-roll ringin' in my ears
Walking 'round the town with nothing to do

Relevant Tags:
IIt's NNot SSo FFunny t's ot o unny tI's oNt oS uFnny jt's mot zo cunny jIt's mNot zSo cFunny Ijt's Nmot Szo Fcunny
9t's hot wo runny 9It's hNot wSo rFunny I9t's Nhot Swo Frunny lt's jot do gunny lIt's jNot dSo gFunny Ilt's Njot Sdo Fgunny
ot's bot eo tunny oIt's bNot eSo tFunny Iot's Nbot Seo Ftunny kt's Noot xo vunny kIt's Nt xSo vFunny Ikt's Nto Sxo Fvunny
8t's Nkt ao dunny 8It's Nkot aSo dFunny I8t's Nokt Sao Fdunny ut's N9t Soo Fuunny uIt's N9ot S Fnny Iut's No9t So Fnuny
Itt's N0t Sk Fhnny I's N0ot Sko Fhunny I'ts No0t Sok Fuhnny If's Nlt S9 F7nny Ift's Nlot S9o F7unny Itf's Nolt So9 Fu7nny
I5's Nit S0 Fknny I5t's Niot S0o Fkunny It5's Noit So0 Fuknny Ih's Nott Sl Finny Iht's No Slo Fiunny Ith's Not Sol Fuinny
Iy's Nof Si F8nny Iyt's Noft Sio F8unny Ity's Notf Soi Fu8nny I6's No5 Fjnny I6t's No5t Fjunny It6's Not5 Fujnny
Ig's Noh Fynny Igt's Noht Fyunny

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