Quicksilver Messenger Service
Doin' Time In The U.s.a.

(Gary Duncan) :
Doin' Time In The USA
We're Doin' Time in The USA
Brothers and my sisters
Mamas and your children too
Daddy's there's a big wheel turnin'
Rollin' over you
And I feel like a convict buddy
feel like a ton of lead
runnin' from the hounds
in the moonlight
Oh Lord let me catch
my breadth
I wanna be free
like a big bird flyin'
free like the drivin' rain
free like a hot sun shinin'
Somebody's done clipped my wings

I can't get no satisfaction
No kinda way
Locked in
Good God you know I'm locked down
Doin' Time in the USA
Rave On
Rave On Buddy
Bout' Your Good Vibrations
All The way
Lay Back
Get high
With your baby
Your love in the USA
We're doin'time in the USA
We're doin' time in the USA

Mirror lyrics:

We're doin' time in the USA
We're doin'time in the USA
Your love in the USA
With your baby
Get high
Lay Back
All The way
Bout' Your Good Vibrations
Rave On Buddy
Rave On
Doin' Time in the USA
Good God you know I'm locked down
Locked in
No kinda way
I can't get no satisfaction

Somebody's done clipped my wings
free like a hot sun shinin'
free like the drivin' rain
like a big bird flyin'
I wanna be free
my breadth
Oh Lord let me catch
in the moonlight
runnin' from the hounds
feel like a ton of lead
And I feel like a convict buddy
Rollin' over you
Daddy's there's a big wheel turnin'
Mamas and your children too
Brothers and my sisters
We're Doin' Time in The USA
Doin' Time In The USA
(Gary Duncan) :

Relevant Tags:
DDoin' TTime IIn TThe UU.s.a. oin' ime n he .s.a. oDin' iTme nI hTe .Us.a. xoin' fime jn fhe h.s.a. xDoin' fTime jIn fThe hU.s.a. Dxoin' Tfime Ijn Tfhe Uh.s.a.
eoin' 5ime 9n 5he 7.s.a. eDoin' 5Time 9In 5The 7U.s.a. Deoin' T5ime I9n T5he U7.s.a. foin' hime ln hhe k.s.a. fDoin' hTime lIn hThe kU.s.a. Dfoin' Thime Iln Thhe Uk.s.a.
roin' yime on yhe i.s.a. rDoin' yTime oIn yThe iU.s.a. Droin' Tyime Ion Tyhe Ui.s.a. coin' 6ime kn 6he 8.s.a. cDoin' 6Time kIn 6The 8U.s.a. Dcoin' T6ime Ikn T6he U8.s.a.
soin' gime 8n ghe j.s.a. sDoin' gTime 8In gThe jU.s.a. Dsoin' Tgime I8n Tghe Uj.s.a. Dooin' rime un rhe y.s.a. Din' rTime uIn rThe yU.s.a. Dion' Trime Iun Trhe Uy.s.a.
Dkin' Tiime Inn U..s.a. Dkoin' Tme I Te Us.a. Dokin' Tmie In Teh Us..a. D9in' Tjme Im Tje U.ss.a. D9oin' Tjime Imn Tjhe U..a. Do9in' Tijme Inm Thje U..sa.
D0in' T9me Ih Tue U.z.a. D0oin' T9ime Ihn Tuhe U.zs.a. Do0in' Ti9me Inh Thue U.sz.a. Dlin' Tlme Ij Tne U.w.a. Dloin' Tlime Tnhe U.ws.a. Dolin' Tilme Inj Thne U.sw.a.
Diin' Tome Ib Tbe U.d.a. Dioin' Toime Ibn Tbhe U.ds.a. Doiin' Tiome Inb Thbe U.sd.a. Tkme Tge U.e.a. Don' Tkime U.es.a.

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