When The Rain Comes

When The Rain Comes

You've come to me again my friend. I've been waiting so
Life seems strange and hard sometimes, maybe I won't make
it this time.

Oh They've taken all I have, but I just need what's left of
today, and you can wash it all away.
When it all comes down and I'm feeling tired and afraid,
you're always there, and seem come when
I've nothing left to give away.

Now I wait for your winds to come and give me breath for
another day, and your rain to wash me.

I feel the rain coming. I feel it in my heart, take away
my pain.
I feel the rain coming. Wash me down, wash me down.

Here comes the rain. Hold me now, just for awhile.

I feel like a candle flame in the wind. The dust of my
deeds past, covers me, like a fading lie.

I feel the rain coming. I feel it in my heart, wash away
my pain.
Wash me down, wash me down. I feel the rain coming.

Here comes the rain.

Mirror lyrics:

Here comes the rain.

Wash me down, wash me down. I feel the rain coming.
my pain.
I feel the rain coming. I feel it in my heart, wash away

deeds past, covers me, like a fading lie.
I feel like a candle flame in the wind. The dust of my

Here comes the rain. Hold me now, just for awhile.

I feel the rain coming. Wash me down, wash me down.
my pain.
I feel the rain coming. I feel it in my heart, take away

another day, and your rain to wash me.
Now I wait for your winds to come and give me breath for

I've nothing left to give away.
you're always there, and seem come when
When it all comes down and I'm feeling tired and afraid,
today, and you can wash it all away.
Oh They've taken all I have, but I just need what's left of

it this time.
Life seems strange and hard sometimes, maybe I won't make
You've come to me again my friend. I've been waiting so

When The Rain Comes

Relevant Tags:
WWhen TThe RRain CComes hen he ain omes hWen hTe aRin oCmes ahen fhe dain fomes aWhen fThe dRain fComes Wahen Tfhe Rdain Cfomes
3hen 5he 4ain xomes 3When 5The 4Rain xComes W3hen T5he R4ain Cxomes dhen hhe gain vomes dWhen hThe gRain vComes Wdhen Thhe Rgain Cvomes
ehen yhe tain domes eWhen yThe tRain dComes Wehen Tyhe Rtain Cdomes shen 6he 5ain Coomes sWhen 6The 5Rain Cmes Wshen T6he R5ain Cmoes
2hen ghe fain Ckmes 2When gThe fRain Ckomes W2hen Tghe Rfain Cokmes qhen rhe eain C9mes qWhen rThe eRain C9omes Wqhen Trhe Reain Co9mes
Whhen Raain C0mes Wen Te Rin C0omes Wehn Teh Rian Co0mes Wjen Tje Rzin Clmes Wjhen Tjhe Rzain Clomes Whjen Thje Razin Colmes
Wuen Tue Rqin Cimes Wuhen Tuhe Rqain Ciomes Whuen Thue Raqin Coimes Wnen Tne Rsin Commes Wnhen Tnhe Rsain Coes Whnen Thne Rasin Coems
Wben Tbe Rwin Cojes Wbhen Tbhe Rwain Cojmes Whben Thbe Rawin Comjes Wgen Tge Rxin Cokes Wghen Rxain Whgen Thge Raxin Comkes
Wyen Tye Raiin Cones

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