
Taken to a place underground,
a cavern, ten thousand steps down.
The only light was fire fly glow,
reflecting in the blue crystal show.
Feeling in the darkness surrounding me,
roots of giant Sequoia trees
anchor the canopy of life that's above.
The answer to the mystery of life is _

Traveled through the jungles of the Yucatan
and drank the potion from the magic man.
Held the starlight inches from my face,
pushed the door open, # 7.
I walked the path way to heaven.
Saw the same face of God.

Seems every where I go
I see the same face, I feel the same flow.
With every one I meet and every hand I shake,
I'm every man, trying my best to get to know
because everything's at stake.

We're the same tribe.

Passing through Morocco for the faithful is a trip.
Hallucinating visions drives my desert ship.
For a thousand miles we could not fail,
can't enjoy if you can't inhale.
Clearly a lifetimes need of some experience and
for the record, peace.

Seems every where I go
I see the same face, I feel the same flow.
With every one I meet and every hand I shake,
I see myself in every man, trying my best to get to know
because everything's at stake.

We're the same tribe

Mirror lyrics:

We're the same tribe

because everything's at stake.
I see myself in every man, trying my best to get to know
With every one I meet and every hand I shake,
I see the same face, I feel the same flow.
Seems every where I go

for the record, peace.
Clearly a lifetimes need of some experience and
can't enjoy if you can't inhale.
For a thousand miles we could not fail,
Hallucinating visions drives my desert ship.
Passing through Morocco for the faithful is a trip.

We're the same tribe.

because everything's at stake.
I'm every man, trying my best to get to know
With every one I meet and every hand I shake,
I see the same face, I feel the same flow.
Seems every where I go

Saw the same face of God.
I walked the path way to heaven.
pushed the door open, # 7.
Held the starlight inches from my face,
and drank the potion from the magic man.
Traveled through the jungles of the Yucatan

The answer to the mystery of life is _
anchor the canopy of life that's above.
roots of giant Sequoia trees
Feeling in the darkness surrounding me,
reflecting in the blue crystal show.
The only light was fire fly glow,
a cavern, ten thousand steps down.
Taken to a place underground,

Relevant Tags:
TTribe ribe rTibe fribe fTribe Tfribe 5ribe 5Tribe T5ribe hribe hTribe
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