Sign Of The Times

Heading for the classroom yesterday
The kids file through the metal machine, it finds what they may hide
No it just ain't right

A sign of the times

Another church is burning to the ground...
Looking for the vandals and they're nowhere to be found
But the hate's alive

A sign of the times, sign of the times
A sign of the times, sign of the times

Would someone please let me know, how we have spun out of control?
Has the captain let go of the wheel?
Or could we please try to find a way to be a bit more kind?
I see the road to tomorrow in the haze

On the Senate floor they congregate
Many pockets lined with green from those behind the scenes
Yeah, they take the bribe (it's on the side)

A sign of the times, sign of the times
A sign of the times, sign of the times

Would someone please let me know, how we have spun out of control?
Has the captain let go of the wheel?
Or could we please try to find a way to be a bit more kind?
I see the road...

Mirror lyrics:

I see the road...
Or could we please try to find a way to be a bit more kind?
Has the captain let go of the wheel?
Would someone please let me know, how we have spun out of control?

A sign of the times, sign of the times
A sign of the times, sign of the times

Yeah, they take the bribe (it's on the side)
Many pockets lined with green from those behind the scenes
On the Senate floor they congregate

I see the road to tomorrow in the haze
Or could we please try to find a way to be a bit more kind?
Has the captain let go of the wheel?
Would someone please let me know, how we have spun out of control?

A sign of the times, sign of the times
A sign of the times, sign of the times

But the hate's alive
Looking for the vandals and they're nowhere to be found
Another church is burning to the ground...

A sign of the times

No it just ain't right
The kids file through the metal machine, it finds what they may hide
Heading for the classroom yesterday

Relevant Tags:
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wign 9f 5he 5imes wSign 9Of 5The 5Times Swign O9f T5he T5imes dign 0f hhe himes dSign 0Of hThe hTimes Sdign O0f Thhe Thimes
eign lf yhe yimes eSign lOf yThe yTimes Seign Olf Tyhe Tyimes xign if 6he 6imes xSign iOf 6The 6Times Sxign Oif T6he T6imes
aign Off ghe gimes aSign O gThe gTimes Saign Of Tghe Tgimes Siign Oc rhe rimes Sgn Ocf rThe rTimes Sgin Ofc Trhe Trimes
Sjgn Or Tiimes Sjign Orf Te Tmes Sijgn Ofr Teh Tmies S9gn Og Tje Tjmes S9ign Ogf Tjhe Tjimes Si9gn Ofg Thje Tijmes
Slgn Ot Tue T9mes Slign Otf Tuhe T9imes Silgn Oft Thue Ti9mes Sogn Ov Tne Tlmes Soign Ovf Tnhe Tlimes Siogn Ofv Thne Tilmes
Skgn Od Tbe Tomes Skign Odf Tbhe Toimes Sikgn Ofd Thbe Tiomes S8gn Tge Tkmes S8ign Tkimes Si8gn Thge Tikmes
Sugn Tye T8mes Suign T8imes Siugn Thye Ti8mes Siggn Thee Tumes Sin Th Tuimes Sing The Tiumes
Sihn Ths Timmes Sihgn Thse Ties

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