Queens Of The Stone Age
First It Giveth

I'm in you
You're in me
I can't tell

You're so cruel
More than me
It is true
That's right

Loyal to
Only you
Up your sleeve

I want some (come on, take it)
of all of you (it's yours)
Trickin me

First it giveth, then it taketh away
First it giveth, then it taketh away
First it giveth, then it taketh away
First it giveth, then it taketh away

I would beg
I would plead
I would shake

On a hook
By the way

I'm so young
And beautiful
(That's right)
(I'm slick)
I'm no fool

Time goes by
Tables turn
Now I know

First it giveth, then it taketh away
First it giveth, then it taketh away
First it giveth, then it taketh away
First it giveth, then it taketh away
First it giveth, then it taketh away
First it giveth, then it taketh away
Away, away

Mirror lyrics:

Away, away
First it giveth, then it taketh away
First it giveth, then it taketh away
First it giveth, then it taketh away
First it giveth, then it taketh away
First it giveth, then it taketh away
First it giveth, then it taketh away

Now I know
Tables turn
Time goes by

I'm no fool
(I'm slick)
(That's right)
And beautiful
I'm so young

By the way
On a hook

I would shake
I would plead
I would beg

First it giveth, then it taketh away
First it giveth, then it taketh away
First it giveth, then it taketh away
First it giveth, then it taketh away

Trickin me
of all of you (it's yours)
I want some (come on, take it)

Up your sleeve
Only you
Loyal to

That's right
It is true
More than me
You're so cruel

I can't tell
You're in me
I'm in you

Relevant Tags:
FFirst IIt GGiveth irst t iveth iFrst tI iGveth cirst jt hiveth cFirst jIt hGiveth Fcirst Ijt Ghiveth rirst 9t yiveth
rFirst 9It yGiveth Frirst I9t Gyiveth girst lt biveth gFirst lIt bGiveth Fgirst Ilt Gbiveth tirst ot viveth tFirst oIt vGiveth
Ftirst Iot Gviveth virst kt fiveth vFirst kIt fGiveth Fvirst Ikt Gfiveth dirst 8t tiveth dFirst 8It tGiveth Fdirst I8t Gtiveth
Fiirst ut Giiveth Frst uIt Gveth Frist Iut Gvieth Fjrst Itt Gjveth Fjirst I Gjiveth Fijrst It Gijveth F9rst If G9veth
F9irst Ift G9iveth Fi9rst Itf Gi9veth Flrst I5 Glveth Flirst I5t Gliveth Filrst It5 Gilveth Forst Ih Goveth Foirst Iht Goiveth
Fiorst Ith Gioveth Fkrst Iy Gkveth Fkirst Iyt Gkiveth Fikrst Ity Gikveth F8rst I6 G8veth F8irst I6t G8iveth Fi8rst It6 Gi8veth
Furst Ig Guveth Fuirst Igt Guiveth Fiurst Itg Giuveth Firrst Ir Givveth Fist Irt Gieth Fisrt Itr Gievth Fidst Gibeth
Fidrst Gibveth Firdst Givbeth Fi4st Giceth Fi4rst Gicveth Fir4st Givceth Figst Gigeth Figrst Gigveth
Firgst Givgeth Fitst Gifeth Fitrst Gifveth Firtst Givfeth Fi5st Giveeth Fi5rst Givth

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