Queen Latifah
Quiet Nights Of Quiet Stars

Quiet nights 'n quiet stars,
quiet chords from my guitar
Floating on the silence that surrounds us
Quiet thoughts 'n quiet dreams,
quiet walks by quiet streams
Climbing hills where lovers go to watch the world below together
We will live eternally in this mood of reverie
Away . . . from all the earthly cares around us
My world was dull each minute until I found you in it
And all at once the happiness I knew,
Became these quiet nights of loving you!

[instrumental break]

We will live eternally in this mood of reverie
Away... from all the earthly cares around us
My world was dull each minute until I found you in it
And all at once the happiness I knew,
Became these quiet nights of loving you!
[adlib quiet nights ect.]

Mirror lyrics:

[adlib quiet nights ect.]
Became these quiet nights of loving you!
And all at once the happiness I knew,
My world was dull each minute until I found you in it
Away... from all the earthly cares around us
We will live eternally in this mood of reverie

[instrumental break]

Became these quiet nights of loving you!
And all at once the happiness I knew,
My world was dull each minute until I found you in it
Away . . . from all the earthly cares around us
We will live eternally in this mood of reverie
Climbing hills where lovers go to watch the world below together
quiet walks by quiet streams
Quiet thoughts 'n quiet dreams,
Floating on the silence that surrounds us
quiet chords from my guitar
Quiet nights 'n quiet stars,

Relevant Tags:
QQuiet NNights OOf QQuiet SStars uiet ights f uiet tars uQiet iNghts fO uQiet tSars auiet mights kf auiet ztars aQuiet mNights kOf aQuiet zStars
Qauiet Nmights Okf Qauiet Sztars 2uiet hights 9f 2uiet wtars 2Quiet hNights 9Of 2Quiet wStars Q2uiet Nhights O9f Q2uiet Swtars wuiet jights 0f wuiet dtars
wQuiet jNights 0Of wQuiet dStars Qwuiet Njights O0f Qwuiet Sdtars suiet bights lf suiet etars sQuiet bNights lOf sQuiet eStars Qsuiet Nbights Olf Qsuiet Setars
1uiet Niights if 1uiet xtars 1Quiet Nghts iOf 1Quiet xStars Q1uiet Ngihts Oif Q1uiet Sxtars Quuiet Njghts Off Quuiet atars Qiet O Qiet aStars
Qiuet Nijghts Of Qiuet Satars Qhiet N9ghts Oc Qhiet Sttars Qhuiet N9ights Ocf Qhuiet Sars Quhiet Ni9ghts Ofc Quhiet Satrs Q7iet Nlghts Or Q7iet Sfars
Q7uiet Nlights Orf Q7uiet Sftars Qu7iet Nilghts Ofr Qu7iet Stfars Qkiet Noghts Og Qkiet S5ars Qkuiet Noights Ogf Qkuiet S5tars Qukiet Nioghts Ofg Qukiet St5ars
Qiiet Nkghts Ot Qiiet Shars Qiuiet Nkights Otf Qiuiet Shtars Quiiet Nikghts Oft Quiiet Sthars Q8iet N8ghts Ov Q8iet Syars Q8uiet N8ights Ovf Q8uiet Sytars
Qu8iet Ni8ghts Ofv Qu8iet Styars Qjiet Nughts Od Qjiet S6ars Qjuiet Nuights Odf Qjuiet S6tars Qujiet Niughts Ofd Qujiet St6ars Qyiet Nigghts Qyiet Sgars
Qyuiet Nihts Qyuiet Sgtars Quyiet Nihgts Quyiet Stgars Nihhts Srars Quet Nihghts Quet Srtars Queit Nighhts Queit Strars
Qujet Niyhts Qujet Staars Niyghts Strs Quijet Nigyhts Quijet Stras Qu9et Nibhts Qu9et Stzrs Qu9iet Nibghts Qu9iet Stzars
Qui9et Nigbhts Qui9et Stazrs Qulet Nivhts Qulet Stqrs Quliet Nivghts Quliet Stqars Quilet Nigvhts Quilet Staqrs Quoet Nifhts Quoet Stsrs
Quoiet Nifghts Quoiet Stsars Quioet Nigfhts Quioet Stasrs Quket Nithts Quket Stwrs Nitghts Stwars

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