She Makes Me (stormtrooper In Stilettoes)

I love
She makes me
She is my heart
She is my love
She is my love

I know
I'm jealous of her
She makes me need
She is my love
She is my love

Who knows who she'll make me
As I lie in her cocoon
And the world will surely heal my ills
I'm warm and terrified
She makes me so

I know the day I leave her
I'll love her still
She is my love
She is my love

Who knows where my dreams will end
I'll follow as they grow
But the world will know how long I'll take
And if I'm very slow she makes me so

She is my love
She is my love

Mirror lyrics:

She is my love
She is my love

And if I'm very slow she makes me so
But the world will know how long I'll take
I'll follow as they grow
Who knows where my dreams will end

She is my love
She is my love
I'll love her still
I know the day I leave her

She makes me so
I'm warm and terrified
And the world will surely heal my ills
As I lie in her cocoon
Who knows who she'll make me

She is my love
She is my love
She makes me need
I'm jealous of her
I know

She is my love
She is my love
She is my heart
She makes me
I love

Relevant Tags:
SShe MMakes MMe ((stormtrooper IIn SStilettoes) he akes e stormtrooper n tilettoes) hSe aMkes eM s(tormtrooper nI tSilettoes)
zhe jakes je (sstormtrooper jn ztilettoes) zShe jMakes jMe (tormtrooper jIn zStilettoes) Szhe Mjakes Mje (tsormtrooper Ijn Sztilettoes)
whe kakes ke (ztormtrooper 9n wtilettoes) wShe kMakes kMe (zstormtrooper 9In wStilettoes) Swhe Mkakes Mke (sztormtrooper I9n Swtilettoes)
dhe nakes ne (wtormtrooper ln dtilettoes) dShe nMakes nMe (wstormtrooper lIn dStilettoes) Sdhe Mnakes Mne (swtormtrooper Iln Sdtilettoes)
ehe Maakes Mee (dtormtrooper on etilettoes) eShe Mkes M (dstormtrooper oIn eStilettoes) Sehe Mkaes Me (sdtormtrooper Ion Setilettoes)
xhe Mzkes Ms (etormtrooper kn xtilettoes) xShe Mzakes Mse (estormtrooper kIn xStilettoes) Sxhe Mazkes Mes (setormtrooper Ikn Sxtilettoes)
ahe Mqkes M3 (xtormtrooper 8n atilettoes) aShe Mqakes M3e (xstormtrooper 8In aStilettoes) Sahe Maqkes Me3 (sxtormtrooper I8n Satilettoes)
Shhe Mskes Mf (atormtrooper un Sttilettoes) Se Msakes Mfe (astormtrooper uIn Silettoes) Seh Maskes Mef (satormtrooper Iun Sitlettoes)
Sje Mwkes Mr (sttormtrooper Inn Sfilettoes) Sjhe Mwakes Mre (sormtrooper I Sftilettoes) Shje Mawkes Mer (sotrmtrooper In Stfilettoes)
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