Hard Times

When you're down kissin' the ground

And your friends downtown

Won't even let you sleep on the floor anymore

When you're holdin' up a cup

On a corner in the cold all night

You start to cry and wonder why

You're doin' hard time

You're doin' hard time, hard time

Even your soul ain't got a dime

You're doin' hard time, hard time

Outta luck, can't make a buck

Try to run but you're stuck

In the muck of your shattered life

Like a knife through your heart tears you apart

You got no one to hold but

Your memories through the night

And you can't see the light

You're doin' hard time

You're doin' hard time, hard time

Even your soul ain't got a dime

You're doin' hard time, hard time

When you're found they push you around

You got no one to hold but

Your memories through the night

You can't see the light

You're doin' hard time

You're doin' hard time, hard time

Even your soul ain't got a dime

You're doin' hard time, hard time

When you're found they push you around

You got no one to hold but

Your memories through the night

You can't see the light

Mirror lyrics:

You can't see the light

Your memories through the night

You got no one to hold but

When you're found they push you around

You're doin' hard time, hard time

Even your soul ain't got a dime

You're doin' hard time, hard time

You're doin' hard time

You can't see the light

Your memories through the night

You got no one to hold but

When you're found they push you around

You're doin' hard time, hard time

Even your soul ain't got a dime

You're doin' hard time, hard time

You're doin' hard time

And you can't see the light

Your memories through the night

You got no one to hold but

Like a knife through your heart tears you apart

In the muck of your shattered life

Try to run but you're stuck

Outta luck, can't make a buck

You're doin' hard time, hard time

Even your soul ain't got a dime

You're doin' hard time, hard time

You're doin' hard time

You start to cry and wonder why

On a corner in the cold all night

When you're holdin' up a cup

Won't even let you sleep on the floor anymore

And your friends downtown

When you're down kissin' the ground

Relevant Tags:
HHard TTimes ard imes aHrd iTmes jard fimes jHard fTimes Hjard Tfimes uard 5imes uHard 5Times Huard T5imes nard himes nHard hTimes
Hnard Thimes bard yimes bHard yTimes Hbard Tyimes gard 6imes gHard 6Times Hgard T6imes yard gimes yHard gTimes Hyard Tgimes Haard rimes
Hrd rTimes Hrad Trimes Hzrd Tiimes Hzard Tmes Hazrd Tmies Hqrd Tjmes Hqard Tjimes Haqrd Tijmes Hsrd T9mes Hsard T9imes Hasrd Ti9mes
Hwrd Tlmes Hward Tlimes Hawrd Tilmes Hxrd Tomes Hxard Toimes Haxrd Tiomes Harrd Tkmes Had Tkimes Hadr Tikmes Hadd T8mes Hadrd T8imes
Hardd Ti8mes Ha4d Tumes Ha4rd Tuimes Har4d Tiumes Hagd Timmes Hagrd Ties

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