Reba Mcentire
This Is My Prayer For You

Peaceful valleys
mountain tops
no dark alleys
or sudden stops
this is my prayer
this is my prayer for you

Love is calling
starry skies
always falling
but not for lies
this is my prayer
this is my prayer for you

May all your sweet dreams go unbroken
May every wish you've ever spoken
come true
This is my prayer
This is my prayer for you

true blue friends
and a heart thatn't ends
This is my prayer
This is my prayer for you

May all your sweet dreams go unbroken
May every wish you've ever spoken
come true
This is my prayer
This is my prayer for you

Arms that welcome
Doors open wide
All your loved ones
Gathered by your side
This is my prayer
This is my prayer for you

May all yours days be filled with laughter
May all your prayers be quickly answered
This is my prayer
This is my prayer for you

This is my prayer
This is my prayer for you

Mirror lyrics:

This is my prayer for you
This is my prayer

This is my prayer for you
This is my prayer
May all your prayers be quickly answered
May all yours days be filled with laughter

This is my prayer for you
This is my prayer
Gathered by your side
All your loved ones
Doors open wide
Arms that welcome

This is my prayer for you
This is my prayer
come true
May every wish you've ever spoken
May all your sweet dreams go unbroken

This is my prayer for you
This is my prayer
and a heart thatn't ends
true blue friends

This is my prayer for you
This is my prayer
come true
May every wish you've ever spoken
May all your sweet dreams go unbroken

this is my prayer for you
this is my prayer
but not for lies
always falling
starry skies
Love is calling

this is my prayer for you
this is my prayer
or sudden stops
no dark alleys
mountain tops
Peaceful valleys

Relevant Tags:
TThis IIs MMy PPrayer FFor YYou his s y rayer or ou hTis sI yM rPayer oFr oYu fhis js jy 0rayer cor gou fThis jIs jMy 0Prayer cFor gYou
Tfhis Ijs Mjy P0rayer Fcor Ygou 5his 9s ky lrayer ror hou 5This 9Is kMy lPrayer rFor hYou T5his I9s Mky Plrayer Fror Yhou hhis ls ny orayer gor 6ou
hThis lIs nMy oPrayer gFor 6You Thhis Ils Mny Porayer Fgor Y6ou yhis os Myy Prrayer tor uou yThis oIs M Payer tFor uYou Tyhis Ios My Paryer Ftor Yuou
6his ks Mg Pdayer vor 7ou 6This kIs Mgy Pdrayer vFor 7You T6his Iks Myg Prdayer Fvor Y7ou ghis 8s Mh P4ayer dor jou gThis 8Is Mhy P4rayer dFor jYou
Tghis I8s Myh Pr4ayer Fdor Yjou rhis us M6 Pgayer Foor tou rThis uIs M6y Pgrayer Fr tYou Trhis Ius My6 Prgayer Fro Ytou Iss Mu Ptayer Fkr Yoou
Tis I Muy Ptrayer Fkor Yu Tihs Is Myu Prtayer Fokr Yuo Tjis Iz M7 P5ayer F9r Yku Tjhis Izs M7y P5rayer F9or Ykou Thjis Isz My7 Pr5ayer Fo9r Yoku
Tuis Iw Mj Pfayer F0r Y9u Tuhis Iws Pfrayer F0or Y9ou Thuis Isw Myj Prfayer Fo0r Yo9u Tnis Id Mt Peayer Flr Y0u Tnhis Ids Mty Perayer Flor Y0ou
Thnis Isd Myt Preayer Folr Yo0u Tbis Ie Praayer Fir Ylu Tbhis Ies Pryer Fior Ylou Thbis Ise Pryaer Foir Yolu Tgis Ix Przyer Forr Yiu
Ixs Przayer Fo Yiou Thgis Isx Prazyer For Yoiu Tyis Ia Prqyer Fod Youu Ias Prqayer Fodr Yo Thyis Isa Praqyer Ford You
Thiis Prsyer Fo4 Yoh Ths Prsayer Fo4r Yohu Thsi Prasyer For4 Youh Thjs Prwyer Fog Yo7 Prwayer Fogr Yo7u
Thijs Prawyer Forg You7 Th9s Prxyer Fot Yok Th9is Prxayer Fotr Thi9s Praxyer Fort Youk Thls Prayyer Fo5 Yoi
Thlis Praer Fo5r Thils Praeyr For5 Youi Thos Prager Fof Yo8 Thois Pragyer Fofr Yo8u Thios Prayger Forf You8
Thks Praher Foe Yoj

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