Reba Mcentire
Somebody Should Leave

It sure gets quiet
When the kids go to bed
We lay here in the silence
Putting off what must be said

I read a book you watch T.V.
As our love dies quietly
I'm so sad
I don't know what I've just read

Somebody should leave
But which one should it be
You need the kids
And they need me
Somebody should leave
But we hate to give in
We keep hopin somehow
We might need each other again

You say goodnight
And turn and face the wall
We lie here in the darkness
And the tears start to fall

If it as only you and me
Goodbye might come more easily
But what about
Those babies down the hall

Somebody should leave
But which one should it be
You need the kids
And they need me
Somebody should leave
But we hate to give in
We keep hopin somehow
We might need each other again

Somebody should leave
But we hate to give in
We just keep hopin
We might need each other again

Mirror lyrics:

We might need each other again
We just keep hopin
But we hate to give in
Somebody should leave

We might need each other again
We keep hopin somehow
But we hate to give in
Somebody should leave
And they need me
You need the kids
But which one should it be
Somebody should leave

Those babies down the hall
But what about
Goodbye might come more easily
If it as only you and me

And the tears start to fall
We lie here in the darkness
And turn and face the wall
You say goodnight

We might need each other again
We keep hopin somehow
But we hate to give in
Somebody should leave
And they need me
You need the kids
But which one should it be
Somebody should leave

I don't know what I've just read
I'm so sad
As our love dies quietly
I read a book you watch T.V.

Putting off what must be said
We lay here in the silence
When the kids go to bed
It sure gets quiet

Relevant Tags:
SSomebody SShould LLeave omebody hould eave oSmebody hSould eLave zomebody zhould keave zSomebody zShould kLeave Szomebody Szhould Lkeave
womebody whould oeave wSomebody wShould oLeave Swomebody Swhould Loeave domebody dhould peave dSomebody dShould pLeave Sdomebody Sdhould Lpeave
eomebody ehould Leeave eSomebody eShould Lave Seomebody Sehould Laeve xomebody xhould Lsave xSomebody xShould Lseave Sxomebody Sxhould Lesave
aomebody ahould L3ave aSomebody aShould L3eave Saomebody Sahould Le3ave Soomebody Shhould Lfave Smebody Sould Lfeave Smoebody Sohuld Lefave
Skmebody Sjould Lrave Skomebody Sjhould Lreave Sokmebody Shjould Lerave S9mebody Suould L4ave S9omebody Suhould L4eave So9mebody Shuould Le4ave
S0mebody Snould Ldave S0omebody Snhould Ldeave So0mebody Shnould Ledave Slmebody Sbould Lwave Slomebody Sbhould Lweave Solmebody Shbould Lewave
Simebody Sgould Leaave Siomebody Sghould Leve Soimebody Shgould Levae Sommebody Syould Lezve Soebody Syhould Lezave Soembody Shyould Leazve
Sojebody Shoould Leqve Sojmebody Shuld Leqave Somjebody Shuold Leaqve Sokebody Shkuld Lesve Shkould Somkebody Shokuld Leasve
Sonebody Sh9uld Lewve Sonmebody Sh9ould Somnebody Sho9uld Leawve Someebody Sh0uld Lexve Sombody Sh0ould Lexave Sombeody Sho0uld Leaxve
Somsbody Shluld Leavve Somsebody Shlould Leae Somesbody Sholuld Leaev Som3body Shiuld Leabe Som3ebody Shiould Leabve Some3body Shoiuld Leavbe
Somfbody Shouuld Leace Somfebody Shold Leacve Somefbody Sholud Leavce Somrbody Shohld Leage Somrebody Shohuld Leagve Somerbody Shouhld Leavge
Som4body Sho7ld Leafe Som4ebody Sho7uld Leafve Some4body Shou7ld Leavfe Somdbody Shokld Leavee Somdebody Leav Somedbody Shoukld Leave
Somwbody Shoild Leavs Somwebody Leavse Somewbody Shouild Leaves Somebbody Sho8ld Leav3

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