Reba Mcentire
Right Time Of The Night

Sun goes down on a silky day
Quarter moon walking though the Milky Way
Oh you and me baby
We could think of something to do

It's the right time of the night
The stars are waking above
It's the right time of the night for making love

No use talking when the shadows fall
Night bird's calling and he says it all
Oh you and me baby
We could think of something to do

It's the right time of the night
The stars are waking above
It's the right time of the night for making love

I got you and you got me
Tell you that's the way my mama always said it should be
Oh I'll be good and you be kind
We'll be bad if you don't mind

It's the right time of the night
The stars are waking above
It's the right time of the night for making love

It's the right time of the night
The stars are waking above
It's the right time of the night for making love

It's the right time of the night
The stars are waking above
It's the right time of the night for making love

Mirror lyrics:

It's the right time of the night for making love
The stars are waking above
It's the right time of the night

It's the right time of the night for making love
The stars are waking above
It's the right time of the night

It's the right time of the night for making love
The stars are waking above
It's the right time of the night

We'll be bad if you don't mind
Oh I'll be good and you be kind
Tell you that's the way my mama always said it should be
I got you and you got me

It's the right time of the night for making love
The stars are waking above
It's the right time of the night

We could think of something to do
Oh you and me baby
Night bird's calling and he says it all
No use talking when the shadows fall

It's the right time of the night for making love
The stars are waking above
It's the right time of the night

We could think of something to do
Oh you and me baby
Quarter moon walking though the Milky Way
Sun goes down on a silky day

Relevant Tags:
RRight TTime OOf TThe NNight ight ime f he ight iRght iTme fO hTe iNght dight fime kf fhe might dRight fTime kOf fThe mNight Rdight Tfime Okf Tfhe Nmight
4ight 5ime 9f 5he hight 4Right 5Time 9Of 5The hNight R4ight T5ime O9f T5he Nhight gight hime 0f hhe jight gRight hTime 0Of hThe jNight Rgight Thime O0f Thhe Njight
tight yime lf yhe bight tRight yTime lOf yThe bNight Rtight Tyime Olf Tyhe Nbight 5ight 6ime if 6he Niight 5Right 6Time iOf 6The Nght R5ight T6ime Oif T6he Ngiht
fight gime Off ghe Njght fRight gTime O gThe Rfight Tgime Of Tghe Nijght eight rime Oc rhe N9ght eRight rTime Ocf rThe N9ight Reight Trime Ofc Trhe Ni9ght
Riight Tiime Or Nlght Rght Tme Orf Te Nlight Rgiht Tmie Ofr Teh Nilght Rjght Tjme Og Tje Noght Rjight Tjime Ogf Tjhe Noight Rijght Tijme Ofg Thje Nioght
R9ght T9me Ot Tue Nkght R9ight T9ime Otf Tuhe Nkight Ri9ght Ti9me Oft Thue Nikght Rlght Tlme Ov Tne N8ght Rlight Tlime Ovf Tnhe N8ight Rilght Tilme Ofv Thne Ni8ght
Roght Tome Od Tbe Nught Roight Toime Odf Tbhe Nuight Rioght Tiome Ofd Thbe Niught Rkght Tkme Tge Nigght Rkight Tkime Niht Rikght Tikme Thge Nihgt
R8ght T8me Tye Nihht R8ight T8ime Nihght Ri8ght Ti8me Thye Nighht Rught Tume Thee Niyht Ruight Tuime Th Niyght Riught Tiume The Nigyht
Rigght Timme Ths Nibht Riht Tie Thse Nibght Rihgt Tiem Thes Nigbht Rihht Tije Th3 Nivht Rihght Th3e Nivght Righht Timje The3 Nigvht

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