Reba Mcentire
Please Come To Boston

He said please come to Boston for the springtime
I'm stayin' here with some friends
And they've got lots of room
You can sell your paintings on the sidewalk
By a cafe where I hope to be workin' soon
Please come to Boston
I said no, boy would you come home to me

I said, ramblin' boy why don't you settle down
Boston ain't your kind of town
There ain't no gold, and there ain't nobody like me
I'm the number one fan of the man from Tennessee

He said please come to Denver with the snowfall
We'll move up into the mountains so far we can't be found
And throw I love you echos down the canyon
And then lie awake at night until they come back around
Please come to Denver
I just said no, boy won't you come home to me

I said, ramblin' boy why don't you settle down
Denver ain't your kind of town
There ain't no gold, and there ain't nobody like me
I'm the number one fan of the man from Tennessee

Now that drifter's word goes round and round
And I doubt if it's ever gonna stop
But of all the dreams he's lost or found
And all that I ain't got
He's still needs to lean to
Somebody he can sing to

He said please come to L.A. to live forever
A California life alone is just too hard to build
I live in a house that looks out over the ocean
And there's some stars that fell from the sky
Livin' up on the hill
Please come to L.A.
I just said no, boy won't you come home to me

And I said, ramblin' boy why don't you settle down
L.A. can't be your kind of town
There ain't no gold, and there ain't nobody like me
I'm the number one fan of the man from Tennessee
I'm the number one fan of the man from Tennessee

Mirror lyrics:

I'm the number one fan of the man from Tennessee
I'm the number one fan of the man from Tennessee
There ain't no gold, and there ain't nobody like me
L.A. can't be your kind of town
And I said, ramblin' boy why don't you settle down

I just said no, boy won't you come home to me
Please come to L.A.
Livin' up on the hill
And there's some stars that fell from the sky
I live in a house that looks out over the ocean
A California life alone is just too hard to build
He said please come to L.A. to live forever

Somebody he can sing to
He's still needs to lean to
And all that I ain't got
But of all the dreams he's lost or found
And I doubt if it's ever gonna stop
Now that drifter's word goes round and round

I'm the number one fan of the man from Tennessee
There ain't no gold, and there ain't nobody like me
Denver ain't your kind of town
I said, ramblin' boy why don't you settle down

I just said no, boy won't you come home to me
Please come to Denver
And then lie awake at night until they come back around
And throw I love you echos down the canyon
We'll move up into the mountains so far we can't be found
He said please come to Denver with the snowfall

I'm the number one fan of the man from Tennessee
There ain't no gold, and there ain't nobody like me
Boston ain't your kind of town
I said, ramblin' boy why don't you settle down

I said no, boy would you come home to me
Please come to Boston
By a cafe where I hope to be workin' soon
You can sell your paintings on the sidewalk
And they've got lots of room
I'm stayin' here with some friends
He said please come to Boston for the springtime

Relevant Tags:
PPlease CCome TTo BBoston lease ome o oston lPease oCme oT oBston 0lease fome fo voston 0Please fCome fTo vBoston P0lease Cfome Tfo Bvoston
llease xome 5o goston lPlease xCome 5To gBoston Pllease Cxome T5o Bgoston olease vome ho noston oPlease vCome hTo nBoston Polease Cvome Tho Bnoston
dome yo hoston Pease dCome yTo hBoston Pelase Cdome Tyo Bhoston Pkease Coome 6o Booston Pklease Cme 6To Bston Plkease Cmoe T6o Bsoton
Poease Ckme go Bkston Ckome gTo Bkoston Ploease Cokme Tgo Bokston Ppease C9me ro B9ston Pplease C9ome rTo B9oston Plpease Co9me Tro Bo9ston
Pleease C0me Too B0ston Plase C0ome T B0oston Plaese Co0me To Bo0ston Plsase Clme Tk Blston Plsease Clome Tko Bloston Plesase Colme Tok Bolston
Pl3ase Cime T9 Biston Pl3ease Ciome T9o Bioston Ple3ase Coime To9 Boiston Plfase Comme T0 Bosston Plfease Coe T0o Boton Plefase Coem To0 Botson
Plrase Coje Tl Bozton Plrease Cojme Tlo Bozston Plerase Comje Tol Boszton Pl4ase Coke Ti Bowton Pl4ease Tio Bowston Ple4ase Comke Toi Boswton
Pldase Cone Bodton Pldease Conme Bodston Pledase Comne Bosdton Plwase Comee Boeton Plwease Com Boeston Plewase Come Boseton
Pleaase Coms Boxton Plese Comse Boxston Plesae Comes Bosxton Plezse Com3 Boaton Plezase Com3e Boaston Pleazse Come3 Bosaton
Pleqse Comf Bostton Pleqase Comfe Boson

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