Reba Mcentire
I'm In Love All Over

Well I'm flying out of Tulsa
Trying to get out to the coast
Missing my connections
But it's you I miss the most

I'm in love all over (echo)
I'm in love all over (echo)
Well I'm in love all over
Everywhere I go

Well my heart feels like bursting
When you walk into the room
My lips just start thirsting
For another kiss from you

I'm in love all over (echo)
Yes I'm in love all over (echo)
I'm in love all over
From my head down to my shoes

In search of true affection
I found a new direction
And that's straight to you
Oh I use to like to play around
But I can see that's all over now

Oh my friends sure like to gossip
Think they know the gospel truth
Words leak like a faucet
When it comes to me and you

I'm in love all over (echo)
Oh I'm in love all over (echo)
Yes I'm in love all over
Everywhere I go
I'm in love all over
From my head down to toes
I'm in love all over
Everybody knows about me and you

Repeat Verse 5, 6, 7

Oh yes they do
Cause I'm in love all over
I'm in love all over
Yes I'm in love all over
Yes I'm in love all over

Mirror lyrics:

Yes I'm in love all over
Yes I'm in love all over
I'm in love all over
Cause I'm in love all over
Oh yes they do

Repeat Verse 5, 6, 7

Everybody knows about me and you
I'm in love all over
From my head down to toes
I'm in love all over
Everywhere I go
Yes I'm in love all over
Oh I'm in love all over (echo)
I'm in love all over (echo)

When it comes to me and you
Words leak like a faucet
Think they know the gospel truth
Oh my friends sure like to gossip

But I can see that's all over now
Oh I use to like to play around
And that's straight to you
I found a new direction
In search of true affection

From my head down to my shoes
I'm in love all over
Yes I'm in love all over (echo)
I'm in love all over (echo)

For another kiss from you
My lips just start thirsting
When you walk into the room
Well my heart feels like bursting

Everywhere I go
Well I'm in love all over
I'm in love all over (echo)
I'm in love all over (echo)

But it's you I miss the most
Missing my connections
Trying to get out to the coast
Well I'm flying out of Tulsa

Relevant Tags:
II'm IIn LLove AAll OOver 'm n ove ll ver 'Im nI oLve lAl vOer j'm jn kove zll kver jI'm jIn kLove zAll kOver Ij'm Ijn Lkove Azll Okver
9'm 9n oove qll 9ver 9I'm 9In oLove qAll 9Over I9'm I9n Loove Aqll O9ver l'm ln pove sll 0ver lI'm lIn pLove sAll 0Over Il'm Iln Lpove Asll O0ver
o'm on wll lver oI'm oIn Lve wAll lOver Io'm Ion Lvoe Awll Olver k'm kn Lkve xll iver kI'm kIn xAll iOver Ik'm Ikn Lokve Axll Oiver
8'm 8n L9ve Alll Ovver 8I'm 8In L9ove Al Oer I8'm I8n Lo9ve All Oevr u'm un L0ve Akl Ober uI'm uIn L0ove Akll Obver Iu'm Iun Lo0ve Alkl Ovber
I''m Inn Llve Aol Ocer Im I Llove Aoll Ocver Im' In Lolve Alol Ovcer I'mm Im Live Apl Oger I' Imn Liove Apll Ogver I'm Inm Loive Alpl Ovger
I'j Ih Lovve Ofer I'jm Ihn Loe Ofver I'mj Inh Loev Ovfer I'k Ij Lobe Alk Oveer I'km Lobve Ovr I'mk Inj Lovbe Allk Ovre
I'n Ib Loce Alo Ovsr I'nm Ibn Locve Ovser

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