Reba Mcentire
I'd Rather Ride Around With You

My cousin's gettin' married at the Methodist church
That's why I stayed home from work
I'm supposed to hold the flowers
When the new bride kisses the groom
That's what I'm supposed to do
So what are we doin' with the windows rolled down
Twenty five passionate miles from town
Oh I love her like a sister baby but to tell you the truth
I'd rather ride around with you
The guy she's gonna marry's got money to burn
His daddy's a partner in some big law firm
Yeah that's how they're goin'
To Hawaii on their honeymoon
First class to Honolulu
She's never even set foot on a jet
I'm a little bit jealous I confess
I'd like to fly to Hawaii
But honey if I had to choose
Oh I'd rather ride around with you
I don't care where this road goes
No I don't wanna turn around
Let go of the wheel feel the wind blow
Don't even think about slowin' down
They're tyin' tin cans to the back of the car
Wonderin' where in the world we are
The preacher's done prayin'
And the couple's sayin' I do
That could be me and you
There's way too many decisions to make
The length of the dress
The layers on the cake
Oh one of these days I might get married too
But I'd rather ride around with you

Mirror lyrics:

But I'd rather ride around with you
Oh one of these days I might get married too
The layers on the cake
The length of the dress
There's way too many decisions to make
That could be me and you
And the couple's sayin' I do
The preacher's done prayin'
Wonderin' where in the world we are
They're tyin' tin cans to the back of the car
Don't even think about slowin' down
Let go of the wheel feel the wind blow
No I don't wanna turn around
I don't care where this road goes
Oh I'd rather ride around with you
But honey if I had to choose
I'd like to fly to Hawaii
I'm a little bit jealous I confess
She's never even set foot on a jet
First class to Honolulu
To Hawaii on their honeymoon
Yeah that's how they're goin'
His daddy's a partner in some big law firm
The guy she's gonna marry's got money to burn
I'd rather ride around with you
Oh I love her like a sister baby but to tell you the truth
Twenty five passionate miles from town
So what are we doin' with the windows rolled down
That's what I'm supposed to do
When the new bride kisses the groom
I'm supposed to hold the flowers
That's why I stayed home from work
My cousin's gettin' married at the Methodist church

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II'd RRather RRide AAround WWith YYou 'd ather ide round ith ou 'Id aRther iRde rAound iWth oYu j'd dather dide zround aith gou jI'd dRather dRide zAround aWith gYou
Ij'd Rdather Rdide Azround Waith Ygou 9'd 4ather 4ide qround 3ith hou 9I'd 4Rather 4Ride qAround 3With hYou I9'd R4ather R4ide Aqround W3ith Yhou l'd gather gide sround dith 6ou
lI'd gRather gRide sAround dWith 6You Il'd Rgather Rgide Asround Wdith Y6ou o'd tather tide wround eith uou oI'd tRather tRide wAround eWith uYou Io'd Rtather Rtide Awround Weith Yuou
k'd 5ather 5ide xround sith 7ou kI'd 5Rather 5Ride xAround sWith 7You Ik'd R5ather R5ide Axround Wsith Y7ou 8'd father fide Arround 2ith jou 8I'd fRather fRide Aound 2With jYou
I8'd Rfather Rfide Aorund W2ith Yjou u'd eather eide Adound qith tou uI'd eRather eRide Adround qWith tYou Iu'd Reather Reide Ardound Wqith Ytou I''d Raather Riide A4ound Wiith Yoou
Id Rther Rde A4round Wth Yu Id' Rtaher Rdie Ar4ound Wtih Yuo I'dd Rzther Rjde Agound Wjth Yku I' Rzather Rjide Aground Wjith Ykou I'd Razther Rijde Argound Wijth Yoku
I'x Rqther R9de Atound W9th Y9u I'xd Rqather R9ide Atround W9ith Y9ou I'dx Raqther Ri9de Artound Wi9th Yo9u I'e Rsther Rlde A5ound Wlth Y0u I'ed Rsather Rlide A5round Wlith Y0ou
I'de Rasther Rilde Ar5ound Wilth Yo0u I'f Rwther Rode Afound Woth Ylu I'fd Rwather Roide Afround Woith Ylou I'df Rawther Riode Arfound Wioth Yolu I'r Rxther Rkde Aeound Wkth Yiu
I'rd Rxather Rkide Aeround Wkith Yiou I'dr Raxther Rikde Areound Wikth Yoiu I'c Ratther R8de Aroound W8th Youu I'cd Raher R8ide Arund W8ith Yo I'dc Rahter Ri8de Aruond Wi8th You
I's Rafher Rude Arkund Wuth Yoh I'sd Rafther Ruide Arkound Wuith Yohu I'ds Ratfher Riude Arokund Wiuth Youh Ra5her Ridde Ar9und Witth Yo7 Ra5ther Rie Ar9ound Wih Yo7u
Rat5her Ried Aro9und Wiht You7 Rahher Rixe Ar0und Wifh Yok Rahther Rixde Ar0ound Wifth Rathher Ridxe Aro0und Witfh Youk Rayher Riee Arlund Wi5h Yoi
Rayther Riede Arlound Wi5th Ratyher Ridee Arolund Wit5h Youi Ra6her Rife Ariund Wihh Yo8 Ra6ther Rifde Ariound Wihth Yo8u Rat6her Ridfe Aroiund Withh You8
Ragher Rire Arouund Wiyh Yoj Ragther Rirde Arond Wiyth Yoju Ratgher Ridre Aronud Wityh Youj Rarher Rice Arohnd Wi6h Yoy

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