Reba Mcentire
If I Had Any Sense Left At All

I can feel the darkness reaching in
As I touch the place you may as well have never been
Love can hurt much more than one can bear
When a heart beats for someone who's not there

How many times
Must I tell myself that you're gone
When will the rest of me wake up
And see what went wrong
So wrong
And turn on the light, pick up the phone
And just call
And lay pride aside
If I had any sense at all

Voices call that only I can hear
Who would have thought this love was something I would fear
Almost hold, almost smell, almost taste
On my mind, in my heart, on my face

How many times
Must I tell myself that you're gone
When will the rest of me wake up
And see what went wrong
So wrong
And turn on the light, pick up the phone
And just call
And lay pride aside
If I had any sense at all

Oh, just lay pride aside
If I had any sense left at all

Mirror lyrics:

If I had any sense left at all
Oh, just lay pride aside

If I had any sense at all
And lay pride aside
And just call
And turn on the light, pick up the phone
So wrong
And see what went wrong
When will the rest of me wake up
Must I tell myself that you're gone
How many times

On my mind, in my heart, on my face
Almost hold, almost smell, almost taste
Who would have thought this love was something I would fear
Voices call that only I can hear

If I had any sense at all
And lay pride aside
And just call
And turn on the light, pick up the phone
So wrong
And see what went wrong
When will the rest of me wake up
Must I tell myself that you're gone
How many times

When a heart beats for someone who's not there
Love can hurt much more than one can bear
As I touch the place you may as well have never been
I can feel the darkness reaching in

Relevant Tags:
IIf II HHad AAny SSense LLeft AAt AAll f ad ny ense eft t ll fI I aHd nAy eSnse eLft tA lAl jf j jad zny zense keft zt zll jIf jI jHad zAny zSense kLeft zAt zAll
Ijf Ij Hjad Azny Szense Lkeft Azt Azll 9f 9 uad qny wense oeft qt qll 9If 9I uHad qAny wSense oLeft qAt qAll I9f I9 Huad Aqny Swense Loeft Aqt Aqll lf l nad sny dense peft st sll
lIf lI nHad sAny dSense pLeft sAt sAll Ilf Il Hnad Asny Sdense Lpeft Ast Asll of o bad wny eense Leeft wt wll oIf oI bHad wAny eSense Lft wAt wAll Iof Io Hbad Awny Seense Lfet Awt Awll
kf k gad xny xense Lsft xt xll kIf kI gHad xAny xSense Lseft xAt xAll Ikf Ik Hgad Axny Sxense Lesft Axt Axll 8f 8 yad Anny aense L3ft Att Alll 8If 8I yHad Ay aSense L3eft A Al
I8f I8 Hyad Ayn Saense Le3ft At All uf u Haad Amy Lfft Af Akl uIf uI Hd Amny Snse Lfeft Aft Akll Iuf Iu Hda Anmy Snese Lefft Atf Alkl Iff Hzd Ahy Ssnse Lrft A5 Aol
I Hzad Ahny Ssense Lreft A5t Aoll If Hazd Anhy Sesnse Lerft At5 Alol Ic Hqd Ajy S3nse L4ft Ah Apl Icf Hqad Ajny S3ense L4eft Aht Apll Ifc Haqd Anjy Se3nse Le4ft Ath Alpl
Ir Hsd Aby Sfnse Ldft Ay Irf Hsad Abny Sfense Ldeft Ayt Ifr Hasd Anby Sefnse Ledft Aty Ig Hwd Anyy Srnse Lwft A6 Alk Igf Hwad An Srense Lweft A6t
Ifg Hawd Any Sernse Lewft At6 Allk It Hxd Ang S4nse Ag Alo Itf Hxad Angy S4ense Let Agt Ift Haxd Anyg Se4nse Letf Atg Allo Iv Hadd Anh Sdnse Lect Ar Alp
Ivf Ha Lecft Art Ifv Had Anyh Sednse Lefct Atr Allp Id Hax An6 Swnse Lert Idf An6y Ifd Hadx Any6 Sewnse Lefrt
Hae Anu Sennse Legt Haed Anuy Sese Legft Hade Anyu Sesne Lefgt Haf An7 Semse Lett

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