Reba Mcentire
Happy Birthday Jesus (i'll Open This One For You)

Now kids, hang on just a second before we start
You know there's a reason we are all here
In front of Grandma and Grandpa's Christmas tree
And if Trevor and E.P. would quit fighting long enough
And be real quiet
This little song might help ya understand

Long ago, in a stable, there was a baby being born
His parents were Joseph and Mary
And Joseph's big ole heart was torn
Cause he couldn't find a decent place
For Mary to have her child
But Mary said, it just seemed just right
And she blessed it with her smile

Cause what made it special was the baby in her arms
God sent Him down to give the world
A second chance for you and I
That's why we have Christmas at this time each year
It's the baby's birthday party that brings us so much cheer

Now kids, the presents that all of you exchange on Christmas
Represents the gifts that baby Jesus received the night He was born
He got all His presents from three wise men
Who followed a star
And walked a long, long way to the stable
So everytime you tear open one of your presents
Think about that baby and say
"Happy birthday Jesus
I'll open this one for You"


OK, all together now
"Happy Birthday Jesus
I'll open this one just for You"

Mirror lyrics:

I'll open this one just for You"
"Happy Birthday Jesus
OK, all together now


I'll open this one for You"
"Happy birthday Jesus
Think about that baby and say
So everytime you tear open one of your presents
And walked a long, long way to the stable
Who followed a star
He got all His presents from three wise men
Represents the gifts that baby Jesus received the night He was born
Now kids, the presents that all of you exchange on Christmas

It's the baby's birthday party that brings us so much cheer
That's why we have Christmas at this time each year
A second chance for you and I
God sent Him down to give the world
Cause what made it special was the baby in her arms

And she blessed it with her smile
But Mary said, it just seemed just right
For Mary to have her child
Cause he couldn't find a decent place
And Joseph's big ole heart was torn
His parents were Joseph and Mary
Long ago, in a stable, there was a baby being born

This little song might help ya understand
And be real quiet
And if Trevor and E.P. would quit fighting long enough
In front of Grandma and Grandpa's Christmas tree
You know there's a reason we are all here
Now kids, hang on just a second before we start

Relevant Tags:
HHappy BBirthday JJesus ((i'll OOpen TThis OOne FFor YYou) appy irthday esus i'll pen his ne or ou) aHppy iBrthday eJsus i('ll pOen hTis nOe oFr oYu)
jappy virthday kesus (ii'll kpen fhis kne cor gou) jHappy vBirthday kJesus ('ll kOpen fThis kOne cFor gYou) Hjappy Bvirthday Jkesus ('ill Okpen Tfhis Okne Fcor Ygou)
uappy girthday iesus (j'll 9pen 5his 9ne ror hou) uHappy gBirthday iJesus (ji'll 9Open 5This 9One rFor hYou) Huappy Bgirthday Jiesus (ij'll O9pen T5his O9ne Fror Yhou)
nappy nirthday mesus (9'll 0pen hhis 0ne gor 6ou) nHappy nBirthday mJesus (9i'll 0Open hThis 0One gFor 6You) Hnappy Bnirthday Jmesus (i9'll O0pen Thhis O0ne Fgor Y6ou)
bappy hirthday nesus (l'll lpen yhis lne tor uou) bHappy hBirthday nJesus (li'll lOpen yThis lOne tFor uYou) Hbappy Bhirthday Jnesus (il'll Olpen Tyhis Olne Ftor Yuou)
gappy Biirthday hesus (o'll ipen 6his ine vor 7ou) gHappy Brthday hJesus (oi'll iOpen 6This iOne vFor 7You) Hgappy Brithday Jhesus (io'll Oipen T6his Oine Fvor Y7ou)
yappy Bjrthday uesus (k'll Oppen ghis Onne dor jou) yHappy Bjirthday uJesus (ki'll Oen gThis Oe dFor jYou) Hyappy Bijrthday Juesus (ik'll Oepn Tghis Oen Fdor Yjou)
Haappy B9rthday Jeesus (8'll O0en rhis Ome Foor tou) Hppy B9irthday Jsus (8i'll rThis Omne Fr tYou) Hpapy Bi9rthday Jseus (i8'll Op0en Trhis Onme Fro Ytou)
Hzppy Blrthday Jssus (u'll Olen Ohe Fkr Yoou) Hzappy Blirthday Jsesus (ui'll Tis Ohne Fkor Yu) Hazppy Bilrthday Jessus (iu'll Oplen Tihs Onhe Fokr Yuo)
Hqppy Borthday J3sus (i''ll Ooen Tjis Oje F9r Yku) Hqappy Boirthday J3esus (ill Oopen Tjhis Ojne F9or Ykou) Haqppy Biorthday Je3sus (il'l Opoen Thjis Onje Fo9r Yoku)
Hsppy Bkrthday Jfsus (i'lll Opeen Tuis Obe F0r Y9u) Hsappy Bkirthday Jfesus (i'l Opn Tuhis Obne F0or Y9ou) Hasppy Bikrthday Jefsus (i'll Opne Thuis Onbe Fo0r Yo9u)
Hwppy B8rthday Jrsus (i'kl Opsn Tnis Onee Flr Y0u) Hwappy B8irthday Jresus (i'kll Opsen Tnhis On Flor Y0ou) Hawppy Bi8rthday Jersus (i'lkl Opesn Thnis One Folr Yo0u)
Hxppy Burthday J4sus (i'ol Op3n Tbis Ons Fir Ylu) Hxappy Buirthday J4esus (i'oll Op3en Tbhis Onse Fior Ylou) Haxppy Biurthday Je4sus (i'lol Ope3n Thbis Ones Foir Yolu)
Happpy Birrthday Jdsus (i'pl Opfn Tgis On3 Forr Yiu) Hapy Bithday Jdesus (i'pll Opfen On3e Fo Yiou) Happy Bitrhday Jedsus (i'lpl Opefn Thgis One3 For Yoiu)
Ha0py Bidthday Jwsus Oprn Tyis Onf Fod Youu) Ha0ppy Bidrthday Jwesus Opren Onfe Fodr Yo) Hap0py Birdthday Jewsus Opern Thyis Onef Ford Yo)u
Halpy Bi4thday (i'lk Op4n Thiis Onr Fo4 Yoh) Halppy Bi4rthday Jeus Op4en Ths Onre Fo4r Yohu) Haplpy Bir4thday Jeuss (i'llk Ope4n Thsi Oner For4 Youh)
Haopy Bigthday Jezus (i'lo Opdn Thjs On4 Fog Yo7) Haoppy Bigrthday Jezsus Opden On4e Fogr Yo7u) Hapopy Birgthday Jeszus (i'llo Opedn Thijs One4 Forg You7)
Bitthday Jewus (i'lp Opwn Th9s Ond Fot Yok) Bitrthday Opwen Th9is Onde Fotr Hapyp Birtthday Jeswus (i'llp Opewn Thi9s Oned Fort Youk)
Hap0y Bi5thday Jedus Openn Thls Onw Fo5 Yoi) Bi5rthday Ope Thlis Onwe Fo5r Happ0y Bir5thday Jesdus Open Thils Onew For5 Youi)
Haply Bifthday Jeeus Opem Thos Fof Yo8) Bifrthday Opemn Thois Fofr Yo8u) Happly Birfthday Jeseus Openm Thios Forf You8)
Hapoy Biethday Jexus Opeh Thks Foe Yoj) Bierthday Jexsus Opehn Thkis Foer Yoju) Happoy Birethday Jesxus Openh Thiks Fore Youj)
Happyy Jeaus Opej Th8s Yoy) Happ Birhday Jeasus Opejn Th8is Yoyu) Birhtday Jesaus Openj Thi8s Youy)
Happg Birfhday Jesuus Opeb Thus You)) Happgy Jess Opebn You Happyg Birtfhday Jessu Openb Thius You)
Happh Bir5hday Jeshs Thiss Happhy Jeshus Thi Happyh Birt5hday Jesuhs This
Happ6 Birhhday Jes7s Thiz Happ6y Birhthday Jes7us Thizs Happy6 Birthhday Jesu7s Thisz
Happu Biryhday Jesks Thiw Happuy Birythday Jeskus Thiws Happyu Birtyhday Jesuks Thisw
Happ7 Bir6hday Jesis Thid Happ7y Bir6thday Jesius Thids Happy7 Birt6hday Jesuis Thisd

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