Reba Mcentire
Gonna Love Ya (till The Cows Come Home)

Gonna love ya till the cows come home
Gonna love ya baby all night long
Gonna love ya lordy me oh my
Gonna love ya till the day I die

Take your time morning is far away
And the moon's leaning into the night
So we won't be needing the light

So (Repeat Chorus)

Now you're mine
There's no chance to run away
While the stars are all turning to you
Tell you what I'm gonna do

Oh(Repeat Chorus)

Tell me now
It's love that you're feeling
Fill my soul like you're filling my arms

Oh(Repeat Chorus x2)

Mirror lyrics:

Oh(Repeat Chorus x2)

Fill my soul like you're filling my arms
It's love that you're feeling
Tell me now

Oh(Repeat Chorus)

Tell you what I'm gonna do
While the stars are all turning to you
There's no chance to run away
Now you're mine

So (Repeat Chorus)

So we won't be needing the light
And the moon's leaning into the night
Take your time morning is far away

Gonna love ya till the day I die
Gonna love ya lordy me oh my
Gonna love ya baby all night long
Gonna love ya till the cows come home

Relevant Tags:
GGonna LLove YYa ((till TThe CCows CCome HHome) onna ove a till he ows ome ome) oGnna oLve aY t(ill hTe oCws oCme oHme)
honna kove ga (ttill fhe fows fome jome) hGonna kLove gYa (ill fThe fCows fCome jHome) Ghonna Lkove Yga (itll Tfhe Cfows Cfome Hjome)
yonna oove ha (fill 5he xows xome uome) yGonna oLove hYa (ftill 5The xCows xCome uHome) Gyonna Loove Yha (tfill T5he Cxows Cxome Huome)
bonna pove 6a (5ill hhe vows vome nome) bGonna pLove 6Ya (5till hThe vCows vCome nHome) Gbonna Lpove Y6a (t5ill Thhe Cvows Cvome Hnome)
vonna ua (hill yhe dows dome bome) vGonna Lve uYa (htill yThe dCows dCome bHome) Gvonna Lvoe Yua (thill Tyhe Cdows Cdome Hbome)
fonna Lkve 7a (yill 6he Coows Coome gome) fGonna 7Ya (ytill 6The Cws Cme gHome) Gfonna Lokve Y7a (tyill T6he Cwos Cmoe Hgome)
tonna L9ve ja (6ill ghe Ckws Ckme yome) tGonna L9ove jYa (6till gThe Ckows Ckome yHome) Gtonna Lo9ve Yja (t6ill Tghe Cokws Cokme Hyome)
Goonna L0ve ta (gill rhe C9ws C9me Hoome) Gnna L0ove tYa (gtill rThe C9ows C9ome Hme) Gnona Lo0ve Yta (tgill Trhe Co9ws Co9me Hmoe)
Gknna Llve Yaa (rill C0ws C0me Hkme) Gkonna Llove Y (rtill Te C0ows C0ome Hkome) Goknna Lolve Ya (trill Teh Co0ws Co0me Hokme)
G9nna Live Yz (tiill Tje Clws Clme H9me) G9onna Liove Yza (tll Tjhe Clows Clome H9ome) Go9nna Loive Yaz (tlil Thje Colws Colme Ho9me)
G0nna Lovve Yq (tjll Tue Ciws Cime H0me) G0onna Loe Yqa (tjill Tuhe Ciows Ciome H0ome) Go0nna Loev Yaq (tijll Thue Coiws Coime Ho0me)
Glnna Lobe Ys (t9ll Tne Cowws Comme Hlme) Glonna Lobve Ysa (t9ill Tnhe Cos Coe Hlome) Golnna Lovbe Yas (ti9ll Thne Cosw Coem Holme)
Ginna Loce Yw (tlll Tbe Coas Coje Hime) Gionna Locve Ywa (tlill Tbhe Coaws Cojme Hiome) Goinna Lovce Yaw (tilll Thbe Cowas Comje Hoime)
Gonnna Loge Yx (toll Tge Co3s Coke Homme)

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