Red House Painters
Riff Raff

(Young - Young - Scott)

You see it on tv every day

Hear it on the radio

Ain't humid but it sure is hot

Down in Mexico

The weatherman is tryin' to tell me

That it ain't the end

But I see the storm coming

And I know it ain't my friend

Riff raff

Ain't it a laugh

Riff raff

Always good for a laugh

I'm the kind of guy that keeps my mouth shut

Don't make a difference to me

So don't bother me when I'm up

Leave me in misery

I never hurt nobody

Don't even carry a gun

I ain't doin' nothin' wrong

I'm just havin' fun

Riff raff

Ain't it a laugh

Riff raff

Mirror lyrics:

Riff raff

Ain't it a laugh

Riff raff

I'm just havin' fun

I ain't doin' nothin' wrong

Don't even carry a gun

I never hurt nobody

Leave me in misery

So don't bother me when I'm up

Don't make a difference to me

I'm the kind of guy that keeps my mouth shut

Always good for a laugh

Riff raff

Ain't it a laugh

Riff raff

And I know it ain't my friend

But I see the storm coming

That it ain't the end

The weatherman is tryin' to tell me

Down in Mexico

Ain't humid but it sure is hot

Hear it on the radio

You see it on tv every day

(Young - Young - Scott)

Relevant Tags:
RRiff RRaff iff aff iRff aRff diff daff dRiff dRaff Rdiff Rdaff 4iff 4aff 4Riff 4Raff R4iff R4aff giff gaff gRiff gRaff
Rgiff Rgaff tiff taff tRiff tRaff Rtiff Rtaff 5iff 5aff 5Riff 5Raff R5iff R5aff fiff faff fRiff fRaff Rfiff Rfaff eiff eaff
eRiff eRaff Reiff Reaff Riiff Raaff Rff Rff Rfif Rfaf Rjff Rzff Rjiff Rzaff Rijff Razff R9ff Rqff R9iff Rqaff Ri9ff Raqff
Rlff Rsff Rliff Rsaff Rilff Rasff Roff Rwff Roiff Rwaff Rioff Rawff Rkff Rxff Rkiff Rxaff

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