They Suffocate At Night

His body loved her, his mind was set on other things
Keep your face out of sight and your thoughts to yourself
And this went on for several nights festering in silence,
growing in the dark
And this they saw as love.
So sad to see
They suffocate at night
Oh this they saw as love
So sad to see to see it slowly die
She met his wishes, he found that he had changed his mind
Now the fit is too tight and the bedroom too warm
The days are filled with things to do
Night-time lies so hollow and memories betray
Oh memories of love
So sad to see
They suffocate at night
Those memories of love
So sad to see to see it slowly die
Two years have passed, two years of emptiness inside
And the grey skies above just show how far I went wrong
I wonder if she's living there the way that I recall
The way I'll always think of you
And when I think of you I think of love
So sad to see
They suffocate at night
You know I think of love
So sad to see to see it slowly die
I wrote you a letter
I threw it away
I wrote you a letter
I threw it away
I need her
I know I don't need her
I need her
Oh Oh-oh...

Mirror lyrics:

Oh Oh-oh...
I need her
I know I don't need her
I need her
I threw it away
I wrote you a letter
I threw it away
I wrote you a letter
So sad to see to see it slowly die
You know I think of love
They suffocate at night
So sad to see
And when I think of you I think of love
The way I'll always think of you
I wonder if she's living there the way that I recall
And the grey skies above just show how far I went wrong
Two years have passed, two years of emptiness inside
So sad to see to see it slowly die
Those memories of love
They suffocate at night
So sad to see
Oh memories of love
Night-time lies so hollow and memories betray
The days are filled with things to do
Now the fit is too tight and the bedroom too warm
She met his wishes, he found that he had changed his mind
So sad to see to see it slowly die
Oh this they saw as love
They suffocate at night
So sad to see
And this they saw as love.
growing in the dark
And this went on for several nights festering in silence,
Keep your face out of sight and your thoughts to yourself
His body loved her, his mind was set on other things

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TThey SSuffocate AAt NNight hey uffocate t ight hTey uSffocate tA iNght fhey zuffocate zt might fThey zSuffocate zAt mNight Tfhey Szuffocate Azt Nmight
5hey wuffocate qt hight 5They wSuffocate qAt hNight T5hey Swuffocate Aqt Nhight hhey duffocate st jight hThey dSuffocate sAt jNight Thhey Sduffocate Ast Njight
yhey euffocate wt bight yThey eSuffocate wAt bNight Tyhey Seuffocate Awt Nbight 6hey xuffocate xt Niight 6They xSuffocate xAt Nght T6hey Sxuffocate Axt Ngiht
ghey auffocate Att Njght gThey aSuffocate A Tghey Sauffocate At Nijght rhey Suuffocate Af N9ght rThey Sffocate Aft N9ight Trhey Sfufocate Atf Ni9ght
Shffocate A5 Nlght Tey Shuffocate A5t Nlight Tehy Suhffocate At5 Nilght Tjey S7ffocate Ah Noght Tjhey S7uffocate Aht Noight Thjey Su7ffocate Ath Nioght
Tuey Skffocate Ay Nkght Tuhey Skuffocate Ayt Nkight Thuey Sukffocate Aty Nikght Tney Siffocate A6 N8ght Tnhey Siuffocate A6t N8ight Thney Suiffocate At6 Ni8ght
Tbey S8ffocate Ag Nught Tbhey S8uffocate Agt Nuight Thbey Su8ffocate Atg Niught Tgey Sjffocate Ar Nigght Sjuffocate Art Niht Thgey Sujffocate Atr Nihgt
Tyey Syffocate Nihht Syuffocate Nihght Thyey Suyffocate Nighht Theey Sufffocate Niyht Thy Sufocate Niyght Thye Suffocate Nigyht
Thsy Sucfocate Nibht Thsey Sucffocate Nibght Thesy Sufcfocate Nigbht Th3y Surfocate Nivht Th3ey Surffocate Nivght The3y Sufrfocate Nigvht
Thfy Sugfocate Nifht Thfey Sugffocate Nifght Thefy Sufgfocate Nigfht Thry Sutfocate Nitht Threy Sutffocate Nitght Thery Suftfocate Nigtht
Th4y Suvfocate Th4ey Suvffocate Nigt The4y Sufvfocate Nigth Thdy Sudfocate Nigjt Thdey Sudffocate Nigjht Thedy Sufdfocate Nighjt
Thwy Nigut Thwey Niguht Thewy Sufofcate Nighut Theyy Sufcocate Nignt The Nignht They Suffcocate Nighnt
Theg Sufrocate Nigbt Thegy Theyg Suffrocate Nighbt Theh Sufgocate Niggt Thehy Theyh Suffgocate Nighgt
The6 Suftocate Nigyt The6y They6 Sufftocate Nighyt Theu Sufvocate Nightt Theuy Nigh Theyu Suffvocate Night
The7 Sufdocate Nighf The7y Nighft They7 Suffdocate Nightf

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