Help The Aged

Help the aged,
One time they were just like you, drinking, smoking cigs and sniffing glue.
Help the aged, don't just put them in a home,
Can't have much fun in there all on their own.
Give a hand, if you can, try and help them to unwind.
Give them hope & give them comfort 'cos they're running out of time.
In the meantime we try.
Try to forget that nothing lasts forever.
No big deal so give us all a feel.
Funny how it all falls away.
When did you first realise?
It's time you took an older lover baby.
Teach you stuff although he's looking rough.
Funny how it all falls away.
Help the aged 'cos one day you'll be older too
You might need someone who can pull you through
And if you look very hard behind the lines upon their
Face you may see where you are headed and it's such a lonely place.
In the meantime we try, etc.
You can dye your hair but it's the one thing you can't change.
Can't run away from yourself.
In the meantime we try, etc. Funny how it all falls away.
So help the aged.....

Mirror lyrics:

So help the aged.....
In the meantime we try, etc. Funny how it all falls away.
Can't run away from yourself.
You can dye your hair but it's the one thing you can't change.
In the meantime we try, etc.
Face you may see where you are headed and it's such a lonely place.
And if you look very hard behind the lines upon their
You might need someone who can pull you through
Help the aged 'cos one day you'll be older too
Funny how it all falls away.
Teach you stuff although he's looking rough.
It's time you took an older lover baby.
When did you first realise?
Funny how it all falls away.
No big deal so give us all a feel.
Try to forget that nothing lasts forever.
In the meantime we try.
Give them hope & give them comfort 'cos they're running out of time.
Give a hand, if you can, try and help them to unwind.
Can't have much fun in there all on their own.
Help the aged, don't just put them in a home,
One time they were just like you, drinking, smoking cigs and sniffing glue.
Help the aged,

Relevant Tags:
HHelp TThe AAged elp he ged eHlp hTe gAed jelp fhe zged jHelp fThe zAged Hjelp Tfhe Azged uelp 5he qged uHelp 5The qAged Huelp T5he Aqged
nelp hhe sged nHelp hThe sAged Hnelp Thhe Asged belp yhe wged bHelp yThe wAged Hbelp Tyhe Awged gelp 6he xged gHelp 6The xAged Hgelp T6he Axged
yelp ghe Agged yHelp gThe Aed Hyelp Tghe Aegd Heelp rhe Ahed Hlp rThe Ahged Hlep Trhe Aghed Hslp Ayed Hselp Te Ayged Heslp Teh Agyed
H3lp Tje Abed H3elp Tjhe Abged He3lp Thje Agbed Hflp Tue Aved Hfelp Tuhe Avged Heflp Thue Agved Hrlp Tne Afed Hrelp Tnhe Afged Herlp Thne Agfed
H4lp Tbe Ated H4elp Tbhe Atged He4lp Thbe Agted

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