Puddle Of Mudd
Life Ain't Fair

And I'm never coming home
Cause I really don't trust you
And I feel like such a joke
Something that I ain't used to

Cause you never understand
Something's going on inside me
I remember what you said
That it never meant nothing

Hey, life ain't fair
Life ain't fair
Life ain't ever gonna break me
Hey, life ain't fair
Life ain't fair
Life ain't ever gonna break me

I ain't never going back
Cause there ain't nothing there for me
'sept a headache on the phone
You always seem to disconnect me

And I hate to wait in line
In the back and feeling empty
Broken mirror, going blind
Try'na put it back together

[Chorus x2]

As I watch you run away from me
But you're never giving me the chance to wait
And I'm still not gonna trust you baby
Ain't your saviour, pushing daisies
And I never wanna see your face again

And I feel like breaking down...

[Chorus x2]
Never gonna break me
Put me back together
Put me back together

Mirror lyrics:

Put me back together
Put me back together
Never gonna break me
[Chorus x2]

And I feel like breaking down...

And I never wanna see your face again
Ain't your saviour, pushing daisies
And I'm still not gonna trust you baby
But you're never giving me the chance to wait
As I watch you run away from me

[Chorus x2]

Try'na put it back together
Broken mirror, going blind
In the back and feeling empty
And I hate to wait in line

You always seem to disconnect me
'sept a headache on the phone
Cause there ain't nothing there for me
I ain't never going back

Life ain't ever gonna break me
Life ain't fair
Hey, life ain't fair
Life ain't ever gonna break me
Life ain't fair
Hey, life ain't fair

That it never meant nothing
I remember what you said
Something's going on inside me
Cause you never understand

Something that I ain't used to
And I feel like such a joke
Cause I really don't trust you
And I'm never coming home

Relevant Tags:
LLife AAin't FFair ife in't air iLfe iAn't aFir kife zin't cair kLife zAin't cFair Lkife Azin't Fcair oife qin't rair
oLife qAin't rFair Loife Aqin't Frair pife sin't gair pLife sAin't gFair Lpife Asin't Fgair Liife win't tair Lfe wAin't tFair
Lfie Awin't Ftair Ljfe xin't vair Ljife xAin't vFair Lijfe Axin't Fvair L9fe Aiin't dair L9ife An't dFair Li9fe Ani't Fdair
Llfe Ajn't Faair Llife Ajin't Fir Lilfe Aijn't Fiar Lofe A9n't Fzir A9in't Fzair Liofe Ai9n't Fazir Lkfe Aln't Fqir
Alin't Fqair Likfe Ailn't Faqir L8fe Aon't Fsir L8ife Aoin't Fsair Li8fe Aion't Fasir Lufe Akn't Fwir Luife Akin't Fwair
Liufe Aikn't Fawir Liffe A8n't Fxir Lie A8in't Fxair Lief Ai8n't Faxir Lice Aun't Faiir Licfe Auin't Far Lifce Aiun't Fari
Lire Ainn't Fajr Lirfe Ai't Fajir

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