Peggy Lee
Golden Earrings

(Ray Evans/Jay Livingston/Victor Young)

There's a story the gypsies know is true
That when your love wears golden earrings,
He belongs to you.

An old love story that's known to very few,
But if you wear those golden earrings,
Love will come to you.

By the burning fire, they will glow with ev'ry coal.
You will hear desire whisper low inside your soul.

So be my gypsy;
Make love your guiding light,
And let this pair of golden earrings
Cast their spell tonight.

Mirror lyrics:

Cast their spell tonight.
And let this pair of golden earrings
Make love your guiding light,
So be my gypsy;

You will hear desire whisper low inside your soul.
By the burning fire, they will glow with ev'ry coal.

Love will come to you.
But if you wear those golden earrings,
An old love story that's known to very few,

He belongs to you.
That when your love wears golden earrings,
There's a story the gypsies know is true

(Ray Evans/Jay Livingston/Victor Young)

Relevant Tags:
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yGolden 3Earrings Gyolden E3arrings bolden farrings bGolden fEarrings Gbolden Efarrings volden rarrings vGolden rEarrings
Gvolden Erarrings folden 4arrings fGolden 4Earrings Gfolden E4arrings tolden darrings tGolden dEarrings Gtolden Edarrings
Goolden warrings Glden wEarrings Gloden Ewarrings Gklden Eaarrings Gkolden Errings Goklden Erarings G9lden Ezrrings
G9olden Ezarrings Go9lden Eazrrings G0lden Eqrrings G0olden Eqarrings Go0lden Eaqrrings Gllden Esrrings Glolden
Gollden Easrrings Gilden Ewrrings Giolden Goilden Eawrrings Exrrings Goden Exarrings Godlen Eaxrrings
Gokden Earrrings Earings Golkden Earrings Gooden Eadrings Eadrrings Goloden Eardrings Gopden Ea4rings
Goplden Ea4rrings Golpden Ear4rings Goldden Eagrings Golen Eagrrings Goledn Eargrings Golxen Eatrings Golxden Eatrrings
Goldxen Eartrings Goleen Ea5rings Goleden Ea5rrings Goldeen Ear5rings Golfen Eafrings Golfden Eafrrings Goldfen Earfrings
Golren Eaerings Golrden Eaerrings Goldren Earerings Golcen Golcden Goldcen Earirngs Golsen Eardings
Golsden Goldsen Earrdings Ear4ings Goldn Goldne Earr4ings Goldsn Eargings Goldesn Earrgings

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