Peggy Lee
I've Got The World On A String

I've got the world on a string

Sitting on a rainbow

Got the string around my finger

What a world, what a life, I'm in love

I've got a song that I sing

I can make the rain go

Any time I move my finger

Lucky me, can't you see, I'm in love

And life's a wonderful thing

As long as I hold the string

I'd be a silly so and so

If I should ever let her go

I've got the world on a string

Sitting on a rainbow

Got the string around my finger

What a world, what a life, I'm in love

I've got the world on a string

Sitting on a rainbow

Got the string around my finger

What a world, what a life, I'm in love

Mirror lyrics:

What a world, what a life, I'm in love

Got the string around my finger

Sitting on a rainbow

I've got the world on a string

What a world, what a life, I'm in love

Got the string around my finger

Sitting on a rainbow

I've got the world on a string

If I should ever let her go

I'd be a silly so and so

As long as I hold the string

And life's a wonderful thing

Lucky me, can't you see, I'm in love

Any time I move my finger

I can make the rain go

I've got a song that I sing

What a world, what a life, I'm in love

Got the string around my finger

Sitting on a rainbow

I've got the world on a string

Relevant Tags:
II've GGot TThe WWorld OOn AA SString 've ot he orld n tring 'Ive oGt hTe oWrld nO A tSring j've hot fhe aorld kn z ztring jI've hGot fThe aWorld kOn zA zString
Ij've Ghot Tfhe Waorld Okn Az Sztring 9've yot 5he 3orld 9n q wtring 9I've yGot 5The 3World 9On qA wString I9've Gyot T5he W3orld O9n Aq Swtring l've bot hhe dorld 0n s dtring
lI've bGot hThe dWorld 0On sA dString Il've Gbot Thhe Wdorld O0n As Sdtring o've vot yhe eorld ln w etring oI've vGot yThe eWorld lOn wA eString Io've Gvot Tyhe Weorld Oln Aw Setring
k've fot 6he sorld in x xtring kI've fGot 6The sWorld iOn xA xString Ik've Gfot T6he Wsorld Oin Ax Sxtring 8've tot ghe 2orld Onn atring 8I've tGot gThe 2World O aString
I8've Gtot Tghe W2orld On Satring u've Goot rhe qorld Om Sttring uI've Gt rThe qWorld Omn Sring Iu've Gto Trhe Wqorld Onm Srting I''ve Gkt Woorld Oh Sfring
Ive Gkot Te Wrld Ohn Sftring Iv'e Gokt Teh Wrold Onh Stfring I'vve G9t Tje Wkrld Oj S5ring I'e G9ot Tjhe Wkorld Ojn S5tring I'ev Go9t Thje Wokrld Onj St5ring
I'be G0t Tue W9rld Ob Shring I'bve G0ot Tuhe W9orld Obn Shtring I'vbe Go0t Thue Wo9rld Onb Sthring I'ce Glt Tne W0rld Syring I'cve Glot Tnhe W0orld Sytring
I'vce Golt Thne Wo0rld Styring I'ge Git Tbe Wlrld S6ring I'gve Giot Tbhe Wlorld S6tring I'vge Goit Thbe Wolrld St6ring I'fe Gott Tge Wirld Sgring
I'fve Go Wiorld Sgtring I'vfe Got Thge Woirld Stgring I'vee Gof Tye Worrld Srring I'v Goft Wold Srtring I've Gotf Thye Wolrd Strring
I'vs Go5 Thee Wodld I'vse Go5t Th Wodrld Sting I'ves Got5 The Wordld Stirng I'v3 Goh Ths Wo4ld Stding I'v3e Goht Thse Wo4rld Stdring
I've3 Goth Thes Wor4ld Strding I'vf Goy Th3 Wogld St4ing Goyt Th3e Wogrld St4ring I'vef Goty The3 Worgld Str4ing I'vr Go6 Thf Wotld Stging
I'vre Go6t Thfe Wotrld I'ver Got6 Thef Wortld Strging I'v4 Gog Thr Wo5ld Stting I'v4e Gogt Thre Wo5rld I've4 Gotg Ther Wor5ld Strting
I'vd Gor Th4 Wofld St5ing

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